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Thread: Waroeng OT Olahraga

  1. #41
    pelanggan tetap EpsilonX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaine View Post
    maennya pake cheat
    Oh pake cheat...
    Kirain ada bug di game engine...

  2. #42
    pelanggan setia Fere's Avatar
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    itu sepatunya diolesin pisang kali
    biar tendangannya bisa melengkung gitu..

  3. #43
    pelanggan setia bradon heat's Avatar
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    ~Yooniverse~ xD
    untung melengkung ..
    nah kalau mengkotak ?
    BEYOND GENIUS !!!!!!!!

  4. #44
    pelanggan setia opi77's Avatar
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    gak ada threadnya city yah??...

  5. #45
    pelanggan tetap karst's Avatar
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    benteng speelwijk
    kayaknya di sini yang dukung city dikit deh makanya gk ada yg buat threadnya

  6. #46
    pelanggan setia heihachiro's Avatar
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    little nong
    ada berita, Royston Drenthe (pemain pinjeman dari Madrid di Everton) menuduh Messi bersikap rasis dengan menyapa 'hola negro' waktu doi ketemu di La Liga

    oh well, somewhat deja vu
    *gugling latina*

  7. #47
    kok gw sulit percaya kalo messi bersikap rasis ya....
    lagian kapan dia terakhir ketemu messi? kok baru dibahas sekarang

    "Maybe not all of our efforts will be rewarded. But without effort, you will get nothing"
    Takahashi Minami

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  8. #48
    ★★★★★ itsreza's Avatar
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    menurut cerita antah berantah, itu messi bisa ngomong gitu karena abis ketemuan dengan nani

  9. #49
    opera's Avatar
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    thomas uber gak ada threadnya??

  10. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by opera View Post
    thomas uber gak ada threadnya??
    belum ada...kalo mau, bisa bikin tretnya....
    ato mau bisa dibahas disini:

    "Maybe not all of our efforts will be rewarded. But without effort, you will get nothing"
    Takahashi Minami

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  11. #51
    pelanggan setia heihachiro's Avatar
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    little nong
    tretnya Chalsea ga ada, di sini aja

    By Mirror Football |
    Chelsea have confirmed striker Didier Drogba will leave the club when his contract expires at the end of June.
    Drogba’s final act was to score the penalty that made the Blues London’s first champions of Europe against Bayern Munich.
    The 34-year-old has been linked with a lucrative move to Chinese club Shanghai Shenhuan, where his former Chelsea team-mate Nicolas Anelka is player coach.
    The Ivory Coast international has spent eight years at Chelsea, scoring 157 goals in 341 appearances, and helped the Blues win 10 titles.
    Drogba has been a talisman for Chelsea, spearheading their drive for success and delivering crucial performances in the matches which mattered most.
    The former Marseille forward said Chelsea would "always be in my heart."
    Drogba said on the club's official website, "I wanted to put an end to all the speculation and confirm that I am leaving Chelsea.
    "It has been a very difficult decision for me to make and I am very proud of what we have achieved, but the time is right for a new challenge for me.
    "As a team we have accomplished so much and have won every single trophy possible.
    "Saturday was a very special moment for everyone at the club and for all the fans, and I am very proud to have played my part in bringing many trophies to this club, which has been my home for the last eight years.
    "I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone at the club especially [owner] Roman [Abramovich] and my team-mates, many of whom have become very close friends and will be my friends for life.
    "I would also like to say a very special thank you to the Chelsea fans who have shown me so much love and support over the years.
    "I wish the club all the best and continued success for the future - you will always be in my heart."

    ---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:54 PM ----------

    konon kalo jadi ke Shanghai Shenhua, gajinya bakal £400rb per week

  12. #52
    berhubung gw merasa di forum olahraga terlalu banyak tret yang disticky, maka tret2 klub sepakbola akan gw unsticky. kalo pengen cari tret klub sepakbola kesayangan, bisa dicari lewat Thread Index

    nantinya akan dibikin tret EPL & Serie A dan akan gw sticky
    tujuannya buat membahas pertandingan2 dan klub2 dari kedua liga tsb yang ga ada tret nya. kalo dirasa perlu, silakan jika ada yang ingin membuat tret liga Spanyol primera division

    "Maybe not all of our efforts will be rewarded. But without effort, you will get nothing"
    Takahashi Minami

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  13. #53
    pelanggan setia ul.malik's Avatar
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    di unsticky, roman"nya trit Real Madrid bakal tenggelam jauh.

  14. #54
    kan bisa dicari di tret index......
    ato kalo ga mau tenggelam jauh tret nya rajin diupdate

    "Maybe not all of our efforts will be rewarded. But without effort, you will get nothing"
    Takahashi Minami

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  15. #55
    ★★★★★ itsreza's Avatar
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    walau unstick, liverpool pasti di page 1 terus

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by itsreza View Post
    walau unstick, liverpool pasti di page 1 terus
    that's right bro

    "Maybe not all of our efforts will be rewarded. But without effort, you will get nothing"
    Takahashi Minami

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  17. #57
    pelanggan setia ul.malik's Avatar
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    supporter tetangga rusuh, pemain persiba jadi korban.
    kena lemparan petasan jenis roket.
    liat gambarnya di forum sebelah, lututnya ampe berlubang.
    Get well soon Iqbal.

    *saya curhat di sini gpp kan king

  18. #58
    gapapa....namanya aja tempat buat OT

    itu yang lututnya berlubang pemain persiba?
    alamat pensiun dini dong.......moga2 korban diberi ketabahan

    "Maybe not all of our efforts will be rewarded. But without effort, you will get nothing"
    Takahashi Minami

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  19. #59
    pelanggan setia ul.malik's Avatar
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    Iya pemain persiba
    Sepertinya bakal pensiun dini.

    yang bikin ga enak tar derby selanjutnya pasti bakal rusuh nih gara" ini.

  20. #60
    Tim Thomas Indonesia keok dan gugur di Perempat Final lawan Jepang

    tidak ada lagi cabang olahraga yg layak dibanggakan
    you can also find me here

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