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Thread: Golden word

  1. #41
    pelanggan sejati surjadi05's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    Renungan malam sebelum tidur :
    Survey membuktikan :

    1. Sebuah smartphone, 70% fiturnya tidak terpakai (mubadzir).

    2. Sebuah mobil mewah, 70% speednya mubadzir.

    3. Sebuah villa mewah, 70% luas lahannya dibiarkan kosong.

    4. Sebuah Universitas, 70% materi kuliahnya tidak dapat diterapkan.

    5. Seabreg kegiatan sosial masyarakat, 70%-nya iseng˛ tidak bermakna.

    6. Pakaian & peralatan dalam sebuah rumah, 70%-nya nganggur tidak terpakai.

    7. Seumur hidup cari duit banyak˛, 70%-nya dinikmati ahli waris.

    BABAK PERTAMA (masa muda): Menanjak karena Pengetahuan, Kekuasaan, Jabatan, Usaha Bisnis, Salary dsb.

    BABAK KEDUA (masa tua): Menurun karena Darah Tinggi, Trigliserid, Gula Darah, Asam Urat, Kolestrol ... dsb

    Waspada dari Awal hingga Akhir, Kita harus Menang di ke-2 Babak Pertandingan !!!

    Tidak Sakit Juga Harus Check Up.

    Tidak Haus juga harus Minum.

    Galau juga Harus Cari Solusi.

    Benar Juga Harus Mengalah.

    Powerfull juga Perlu Merendah.

    Tidak Cape' pun Perlu Rehat.

    Tidak kaya pun Perlu Bersyukur.

    Sesibuk Apa pun Juga Perlu Olahraga.🙏
    AJAL Tak Mengenal Waktu & Usia!!!

    Jadi ...Terus Berbuat Baik, Mengucap Syukur apa yang sudah ada & menyampaikan Kebenaran terhadap sesama ...
    Selamat malam kopmay ............
    you meet someone
    you two get close
    its all great for awhile
    then someone stops trying
    Talk less, awkward conversations, the drifting
    No communication whatsoever
    Memories start to fade
    Then the person you know become the person u knew
    That how it goes. Sad isn't it?

  2. #42
    pelanggan setia Fere's Avatar
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    Depan RSJ-KM
    Tumbenan nih kong sur, postingannya rada genah
    Biasanya [MENTION=43]ga_genah[/MENTION]

  3. #43
    pelanggan setia mbok jamu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Iya ya.

    Are you okay, Kong?
    "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain

  4. #44
    pelanggan sejati surjadi05's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    hihihi masih hiduo kok mbok
    you meet someone
    you two get close
    its all great for awhile
    then someone stops trying
    Talk less, awkward conversations, the drifting
    No communication whatsoever
    Memories start to fade
    Then the person you know become the person u knew
    That how it goes. Sad isn't it?

  5. #45
    pelanggan sejati surjadi05's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    Pak Lurah punya hobi memelihara bermacam2 burung. Pada suatu pagi, burungnya hilang semua. Merasa ulah si maling sdh sangat keterlaluan, Pak Lurah yg sangat marah berencana membawa masalah ini ke pertemuan warga se Kelurahan Dengan tujuan hendak mempermalukan malingnya.
    Sekitar 200 warga hadir (bapak2 dan Ibu2).
    Pak Lurah pun memulai acaranya, dan setelah berbicara panjang lebar soal moral, Pak Lurah bertanya :
    "Siapa yang punya burung ??"
    Semua bapak-bapak yang hadir segera
    Pak Lurah buru2 berkata: "Bukan itu maksud saya, maksud saya adalah....,
    siapa yg pernah lihat burung ?"
    Seluruh ibu-ibu berdiri...
    "Wah...gawat"... pikir si Pak Lurah...
    Dengan muka merah dia berkata :
    "Maksud saya siapa yang pernah lihat burung bukan miliknya...??"
    Separuh wanita berdiri..
    Muka Pak Lurah makin merah.... dan juga makin gugup. Segera beliau berkata lagi :
    "Maaf sekali lagi... bukan ke arah situ pertanyaan saya. Maksud saya adalah... siapa yang pernah melihat burung
    saya... ??"
    Segera 5 wanita berdiri... Pak Lurah langsung lari pontang panting..., karena Bu Lurah mengejarnya sambil membawa sandal ..

    Moral of d story : jangan membuat rencana, ketika kepala dan hatimu sedang panas, karna kamu pasti akan mengucapkan sesuatu yg bakal membuat kamu menyesal
    you meet someone
    you two get close
    its all great for awhile
    then someone stops trying
    Talk less, awkward conversations, the drifting
    No communication whatsoever
    Memories start to fade
    Then the person you know become the person u knew
    That how it goes. Sad isn't it?

  6. #46
    pelanggan sejati surjadi05's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    Obama & President Xi entered a chocolate store. As they were busy looking, Obama stole 3 chocolate bars.

    As they left the store, Obama said to Xi "Yo! Man I'm the best thief ever, I stole 3 chocolates & no one saw me, can beat that !"

    Xi replied: "You wanna see something better, let's go back to the shop and I'll show you real stealing"

    So they went to the counter and XI said to the Shop boy: "Do you wanna see magic?"
    Shop boy replied: "Yes."
    Xi said: "Give me one chocolate bar." The shop boy gave him one, and he ate it. He asked for the second, and he ate that as well. He asked for the third, and finished that one too.

    The shop boy asked: "But where's the magic?"

    Xi replied: "Check in my friend Obama's pockets, and you'll find them."

    Moral of d story :NEVER try to Beat Chinese .

    We are born awesome..!. Ha ha 😜😅✌😆😅😂
    you meet someone
    you two get close
    its all great for awhile
    then someone stops trying
    Talk less, awkward conversations, the drifting
    No communication whatsoever
    Memories start to fade
    Then the person you know become the person u knew
    That how it goes. Sad isn't it?

  7. #47
    pelanggan sejati surjadi05's Avatar
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    Jun 2011

    Suatu saat saya diundang untuk menghadiri pesta pernikahan teman di sebuah hotel.
    Ketika sampai di lobby hotel, saya melihat ada 2 pintu.
    Pintu-1 tertulis "Untuk keluarga laki-laki" dan pintu-2 tertulis "Untuk keluarga perempuan".

    Saya lantas masuk melalui pintu keluarga pengantin laki-laki. Saya berjalan beberapa langkah dan melihat ada 2 pintu lagi.

    Pintu-1 tertulis "untuk tamu laki-laki" danpintu-2 tertulis "untuk tamu perempuan."Kemudian saya masuk melalui pintu untuk tamu laki-laki.

    Saya berjalan beberapa langkah melihat ada 2 pintu lagi.
    Pintu-1 tertulis : "Untuk yang membawa kado" dan pintu-2 tertulis : "Untuk yang tidak membawa kado".

    Saya masuk melalui pintu yang tidak membawa kado.
    Setelah itu saya melihat ada 2 pintu lagi.
    Pintu-1 tertulis : "Untuk yang membawa amplop" dan pintu-2 bertuliskan : "Untuk yang tidak membawa amplop".

    (Saya berkata dalam hati..."Syukurlah, ternyata ada ruang juga untuk yg datang dengan tangan kosong").

    Lalu saya memilih untuk ke pintu 2. Kemudian saya berjalan beberapa langkah dan ternyata ......

    saya sudah berada di jalan raya !!! ::

    Moral of d story: hmmmm selalu bawa amplop kosong kalo mau kondangan
    you meet someone
    you two get close
    its all great for awhile
    then someone stops trying
    Talk less, awkward conversations, the drifting
    No communication whatsoever
    Memories start to fade
    Then the person you know become the person u knew
    That how it goes. Sad isn't it?

  8. #48
    pelanggan setia hajime_saitoh's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by surjadi05 View Post
    Tadi siang terima telp dari nomor yg tdk ada di phone book, ternyata dengar suara cewek nan merdu, mengenalkan diri namanya Ulfa dari Asuransi.

    Ulfa: Selamat siang pak, boleh ganggu sebentar?.
    Saya: Ya, Ada apa yah ?
    Ulfa: Klo pergi kerja naik mobil ?
    Saya: Iya jelas.
    Ulfa: Bapak nyetir sendiri ?
    Saya: Pakai sopir donggg...
    Ulfa: Apakah sudah masuk asuransi mobilnya ?
    Saya: Saya kira sudah, coba nanti saya tanya.
    Ulfa: Berapa nilai mobilnya Pak, bawah 1M, atau 1M lebih ?
    Saya: mestinya 1M lebih.
    Ulfa: Mobil apa yg Bapak pakai ?
    Saya: Busway.
    Bruakks..!!! tuuttt...tuuttt...tuuttt... telpon ditutup..😆😀

    Moral of d story, jangan memandang orang dari harga mobilnys
    ijin copas kong

  9. #49
    pelanggan sejati surjadi05's Avatar
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    Jun 2011

    Jangan bayar royalti ya om
    you meet someone
    you two get close
    its all great for awhile
    then someone stops trying
    Talk less, awkward conversations, the drifting
    No communication whatsoever
    Memories start to fade
    Then the person you know become the person u knew
    That how it goes. Sad isn't it?

  10. #50
    pelanggan setia hajime_saitoh's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    alhamdulillah gak ada royaltinya.. kirain bakal ditagih tadi..

  11. #51
    pelanggan sejati surjadi05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hajime_saitoh View Post
    alhamdulillah gak ada royaltinya.. kirain bakal ditagih tadi..
    wkkk salah ketik
    you meet someone
    you two get close
    its all great for awhile
    then someone stops trying
    Talk less, awkward conversations, the drifting
    No communication whatsoever
    Memories start to fade
    Then the person you know become the person u knew
    That how it goes. Sad isn't it?

  12. #52
    pelanggan setia Fere's Avatar
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    Depan RSJ-KM
    Dulu gara2 salah ketik juga akhirnya
    Kong Sur dipanggil "Engkong.."

  13. #53
    pelanggan sejati surjadi05's Avatar
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    Jun 2011

    Sepulangnya dari pom bensin dan mengambil uang di ATM, aku dgn santai mengendarai motor kesayanganku, tiba-tiba seklebatan dari kaca spion terlihat ada yang ngejar…

    2 orang laki-laki boncengan, jaket kulit, helem full face, gak keliatan mukanya…

    Aku liat yang dibonceng tangannya melambai-lambai, memberi kode agar aku ke pinggir…

    Wahh, iki mesti BEGAL lagi ngincer motor ku…

    Motor cuma satu-satunya, buat bolak-balik ke pasar, pergi kerja, buat ke ATM… kalo dirampas rasanya gimanaaa gitu…

    Gas motor ku tak pancal sekenceng-kencengnya… panik pokok’e

    Tangan sebelah kanan sampe pegel karena mlintir handel setang… pokok’e pol-pol’an…

    Taatttt ttiiiittt…. Taaattt tiiitt… motor dibelakang ku nglakson bola-bali… biar aku minggir….

    Tapi mau gimana lagi… honda astrea tua, mbok gas'é diplintir sak kemengé, nganti 'kaing-kaing, larinya cuma sepiro?... lha sing ngoyak, ki.. tak liat numpak Ninja 250 cc..

    Pokok’e berjuang sampai tetes darah terakhir, pikir ku… gak lama motor ku ke susul… wish pasrah lah…

    Pas sejajar motor ku, sing mbonceng buka kaca helem, sambil teriak….

    “Mbakkkk…..itu lho… ibu nya tertinggal dipom bensin

    Moral of d story
    Never judge a book by its koper,jangan liat orang dari tampangnya,contohnya [MENTION=196]noodles maniac[/MENTION] walo sangar, tattooan, hatinya selembut sutra
    you meet someone
    you two get close
    its all great for awhile
    then someone stops trying
    Talk less, awkward conversations, the drifting
    No communication whatsoever
    Memories start to fade
    Then the person you know become the person u knew
    That how it goes. Sad isn't it?

  14. #54
    pelanggan setia Fere's Avatar
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    Depan RSJ-KM
    Itu Kong Sur kok dipanggil "Mbaak.." ya..?

  15. #55
    pelanggan sejati surjadi05's Avatar
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    Gw yg ngejar fer
    Masak tampang keren gini dikira begal
    you meet someone
    you two get close
    its all great for awhile
    then someone stops trying
    Talk less, awkward conversations, the drifting
    No communication whatsoever
    Memories start to fade
    Then the person you know become the person u knew
    That how it goes. Sad isn't it?

  16. #56
    pelanggan sejati surjadi05's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    Ada 6 ibu yg harus kita jaga/ hormati,
    antara lain :
    1. Ibu yang mengandung kita.
    2. Ibu mertua kita.
    3. Ibu dari anak2 kita (jika kita adalah
    4. Ibu Guru kita.
    5. Ibu Pertiwi Indonesia.
    Dan yg terakhir adalah ...
    6. Ibu jari kita. Karena tanpa ibu jari, kita
    akan sulit untuk :
    - BBM
    - SMS
    - Line
    - WhatsApp
    - Upload foto ke group
    - Ngomen2 di group
    - Ganti DP & ganti status ...
    - nge
    you meet someone
    you two get close
    its all great for awhile
    then someone stops trying
    Talk less, awkward conversations, the drifting
    No communication whatsoever
    Memories start to fade
    Then the person you know become the person u knew
    That how it goes. Sad isn't it?

  17. #57
    pelanggan sejati surjadi05's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    A lovely little girl was holding two apples with both hands.
    Her mom came in and softly asked her little daughter with a smile: "My sweetie, could you give your mamma one of your two apples"? The girl looked up at her mum for some seconds, then she suddenly took a quick bite on one apple, and then quickly on the other!
    The mom felt the smile on her face freeze, however, she tried hard not to reveal her disappointment! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Then, the little girl handed one of her bitten apples to her mom,and said: "Mummy, here you are, this is the sweeter one!!
    No matter who you are, how experienced you are, and how knowledgeable you think you are, always delay judgment. Give others the privilege to explain themselves. What you see may not be the reality. Never start assuming and make your own conclusions.

    So next time u see me staring at a naked lady, please delay ur judgment maybe i just feel pity
    you meet someone
    you two get close
    its all great for awhile
    then someone stops trying
    Talk less, awkward conversations, the drifting
    No communication whatsoever
    Memories start to fade
    Then the person you know become the person u knew
    That how it goes. Sad isn't it?

  18. #58
    pelanggan setia serendipity's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    Short Story versi TMG

  19. #59
    pelanggan sejati surjadi05's Avatar
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by serendipity View Post
    Short Story versi TMG

    Err i dun get it, where is d connection with my post
    you meet someone
    you two get close
    its all great for awhile
    then someone stops trying
    Talk less, awkward conversations, the drifting
    No communication whatsoever
    Memories start to fade
    Then the person you know become the person u knew
    That how it goes. Sad isn't it?

  20. #60
    pelanggan setia serendipity's Avatar
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    Mar 2011
    kaaan maksudnya cewe selalu benar. itu isi dari postingan kong sur yg berhalaman ini Lol
    You were born with the ability to change someone's life - don't ever waste it.

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