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Thread: Japanese Food: Chawanmushi

  1. #1
    dokter RSJ - KM ancuur's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011
    RSJ - KM Jabatan:____ Dokter Jiwa

    Japanese Food: Chawanmushi

    is a Japanese custard steamed in a cup. Chawan means tea cups or rice bowls, and mushi means steaming in Japanese.


    3 eggs
    2 cup dashi soup stock
    1/2 tsp salt
    1 tsp soy sauce
    1 tsp sugar
    1 tsp sake
    1/4 lb boneless, skinless chicken thigh, cut into bite-size pieces
    1/4 enoki mushrooms, chopped, or 4 shiitake mushrooms, stem removed and thinly sliced
    4 leaves mitsuba (trefoil)
    8 slices kamaboko or narutomaki fish cakes


    Lightly beat eggs in a large bowl. Try not to bubble the eggs. Mix cool dashi soup stock, soy sauce, salt, sake, and sugar in another bowl. Add the dashi mixture in the egg mixture gradually. Strain the egg mixture. Put mushrooms, chicken, and kamaboko or narutomaki slices in four chawanmushi cups, or tea cups. Fill each cup to third-forths full with the egg mixture. Cover the cups. Preheat a steamer on high heat. Turn down the heat to low and carefully place cups in the steamer. Steam for a few minutes on high heat. Turn down the heat to low and steam for about 10-15 minutes, or until done. Poke a bamboo stick in the chawamushi and if clear soup comes out, it's done. Place mitsuba leaves on top of chawanmushi...

  2. #2
    pelanggan tetap Hai_Lee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    waahh saya doyan banget sama chawanmushi. Telurnya jadi lembut banget terus kalo yang enak chawanmushinya wangi banget.

  3. #3
    pelanggan setia gembel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    behhhh.. mana kenyang aku klo cuma segitu
    belajar nge-blog di

  4. #4
    tsu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Rainbow Trout
    kan emang fungsi nya itu appetizer toh Mbel

  5. #5
    Chief Cook ndableg's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Ini resep ngaco chawanmushi.

  6. #6
    versi indo

    2 butir telur
    1 cup kaldu ayam atau ikan (aku pake kaldu
    1 dash sake (aku skip tentu saja ..: p)
    1/2 sendok teh kecap asin (aku pake bbrp tetes
    1/2 cangkir daging dada ayam cincang yg sudah
    dimasak (pake udang potong kecil2)
    1 jamur shiitake, iris memanjang
    2 tangkai peterseli segar, untuk hiasan (pake daun
    Cara membuat:
    Dalam mangkuk ukuran medium, kocok telur
    dengan lembut sambil perlahan tuangkan kaldu
    ayam, sake, dan kecap. Bagilah jamur dan ayam
    secara merata antara dua cangkir teh kecil. Tuang
    adonan telur ke dalam masing-masing cangkir.
    Panaskan kukusan. Kurangi panas ke api kecil, dan
    masukkan cangkir ke tempat kukusan. Tutup, dan
    kukus selama 12 menit, atau sampai telur padat/
    kokoh tapi lembut dan halus seperti tahu. Hiasi
    setiap cangkir dengan setangkai peterseli, dan
    Tips agar didapat tekstur yg mulus:
    - mengocok telur cukup diaduk perlahan (aku dg
    ujung sumpit aja), jgn sampai timbul buih/busa
    - setelah kaldu dicampur dgn telor, saring adonan
    sebelum dituang ke tea cup
    - mengukus hrs dgn api kecil, bungkus tutup
    kukusan dgn serbet.
    resep dr:
    Good friends, good books, and a sleepy
    conscience: this is the ideal life.
    Mark Twain

  7. #7
    wak... ndableg masi idoppp tho wkwkwkw.... kalo di yuraku kan buffet, jadi bole ngembat cawanmushi sekenyangnya wkwkw

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