View Full Version : [fisika] Trajectory of a Falling Batman Report

11-07-2012, 05:02 AM

The lm Batman Begins shows the character of Batman gliding using a rigid form of his cape. This paper
assesses the feasibility of such a glide and nds that while a reasonable distance could be travelled if
gliding from a tall building, the speed at which Batman would be travelling would be too dangerous to
stop without some method of slowing down.

untuk laporan lengkapnya, silakan baca pdf di link di atas :cengir:

11-07-2012, 07:24 AM
Langsung ke TKP
(mengamankan pertamax)

11-07-2012, 07:32 AM
ini yang pas adegan mana? youtubenya donk... .

trus apakah tiap fall'in-nya bakalan berlaku rumusan tsb?

11-07-2012, 07:40 AM
Ini lho contoh adegannya:


atau kalau di film yang kedua:


Ngomong2, Bruce Wayne kan tahu resikonya. Makanya harus pakai pakaian khusus yang anti benturan. (istilahnya, buat 'spelunking'. =)) )

E = mc˛
11-07-2012, 08:47 AM
Fisikanya "sederhana" banget yak? vektor dan gerak GLBB ;D

11-07-2012, 11:36 AM
yang bikin saya ketawa tuh ini, di bagian diskusi / kesimpulan terakhirnya :lololol:

Clearly gliding using a batcape is not a safe way to travel, unless a method to rapidly slow down is used such as a parachute.

well, duh! :cengir:

21-09-2012, 12:49 AM
anr kira fisikanya bakalan ribet ternyata simpel juga ea...
asyiik deh kalok gtu.... ada motivaasi buat fisika ni...

21-09-2012, 02:13 AM
Fisikanya "sederhana" banget yak? vektor dan gerak GLBB ;D

Wuanjrit. Istilah GLBB itu familiar jaman dulu kala euy di otak gw. Skr mah.. ;)