View Full Version : Fenomena gemuruh

21-06-2012, 12:39 AM
Di beberapa lokasi di dunia terdengar suara2 bergemuruh spt suara pesawat terbang persis diatas, ada spt suara kereta lewat, atau besi bergesekan, hanya saja ketika ditengok tidak ada apa2.


Ini kira2 fenomena apa ya? Darimana suara2 tsb? Di indonesia pernah terjadi??

21-06-2012, 01:58 AM
waktu merapi meletus, di kosan gw terdengar suara gemuruh seperti badai. padahal ga ada badai, tapi selanjutnya hujan batu sih ;D

21-06-2012, 02:02 AM
kosan choodee dimana? Yogya? ::ungg::

21-06-2012, 02:21 AM
@arie iya tepatnya di sleman, daerah kaliurang, tapi bukan kaliurang merapinya loh ya ;D masih jauuuuuuh banged.

that's one of my epic moment of my life, tengah malem baru pulang dari main ama teman, pas lagi siap2 maw tidur nyadar jendela bergetar kencang (padahal ga kerasa begetar tuh lantai) dan terdengar suara gemuruh kencang di luar jendela padahal pas gw jalan di luar situasi aman sentosa, ga ada apa2 kecuali masih sedikit sisa2 hujan abu yang kemaren. keknya jendela bergetar karena suara gemuruhnya, abis itu ditelpon teman yang panik suruh liat tipi, buka tipi lagi siaran langsung heboh orang2 dari kaliurang atas turun ke bawah ;D gw disuruh lari tapi gw takut keluar malem2 sendiri dan anak2 kos juga ga ada yang evakuasi ;D abis itu beberapa saat kemudian terdengar suara kek hujan deras banged di atap, pertama gw kira hujan, besoknya baru taw ternyata itu hujan batu abis dikasi taw teman ;D

suara gemuruhnya persis kek suara di video klip pertama, kek suara badai kan, padahal kalo suara gunung meletus gw pikir suaranya bakal kek suara di klip ke4 (yang orang lagi di bukit terus ada suara letusan berkali2)

tapi videonya serem coy, gw lagi setengah jalan ini nontonnya, yang paling serem yang kek bunyi mesin di klip kedua. buset itu bunyinya ga biasa banged, bunyi badai bukan, bunyi meletus bukan, malah kek bunyi mesin pesawat ufo alien ::grrr::

21-06-2012, 04:53 AM
Suara gemuruh juga bisa terjadi misalnya ada hujan lebat di kampung sebelah, sementara di kampung kita terang benderang. Ane beberapa kali mendengar suarah gemuruh dari fenomena hujan lebat lokal seperti itu.


21-06-2012, 05:18 AM
Kaya Decepticon lagi menambang Energon, tapi
menggunakan teknologi Stealth/Cloacking Device.

---------- Post Merged at 04:14 AM ----------

Strange Sounds Heard Around The World A Hoax, Perpertrated By Cultist Religion (http://www.ufodigest.com/article/strange-sounds-heard-around-world-hoax-perpertrated-cultist-religion)

On the surface, it appears we have a new phenomenon happening worldwide in the form of strange sounds. These supposed sounds are similar to trumpets, the moving of metal, or a squadron of WW II bombers. In August 2011, I decided to view some newly released videos and I happened to view the first You Tube video from Kiev, Ukraine. When I listened to it, my first feeling was that it was a fake.

Since then, hundreds of videos have come out with these same sounds, seemingly being reported from around the planet.

Explanations of the sounds range from Earth sounds deep underground, atmospheric conditions as a result of solar flares, the Earth's magnetic pole shift, distant thunder, HARP, and Heavenly trumpets being played by Angels. Most of these areas where the sounds were supposedly heard are heavily populated areas. Such as Montreal, Canada, were there were no reports made to police, TV or radio stations, newspapers or government officials. Up to the time of this writing, 01/21/2012 there have been no official reports made by anyone, of these sounds—anywhere in the world.

The closest to being official was the Costa Rica sounds, reported by No Link News, but this source is not credible in the sense that it is not a mainstream news source, as it reports strange and unusual news items. If the sounds really were happening as we are led to believe, there would have been thousands of official reports of them, from a slew of cities around the world. The sounds were supposedly heard recently in Montreal Canada along with Detroit, Michigan. These two major cities have over a million and a half people living there, and if the sound really occurred, even at a bare minimum, there should have been at least a hundred reports made. Yet, absolutely none were reported.

Let’s look at some facts involved with the sounds themselves.
Many videos have been found to be frauds such as the Costa Rica videos, because identical background noises were heard in other videos said to be from elsewhere, thousands of miles away

The sound in most videos have identical duration and sound pitch, indicating the sound was introduced into the videos from other similar videos.

The individuals who have released these videos are also heavily involved with UFO, chem-trails, other strange phenomena and conspiracy theories.
The sounds are very similar to those from two movies recently released, War of The Worlds and Clash of The Titans. You Tube examples are in the links below.

http://youtu.be/ 55btvd5dT7g

ttp://youtu.be/ sTCCxx8cFNw

The similarities are too great to ignore.

Now we come to the reasons involved of why someone or a group would orchestrate such an elaborate hoax.

What really got me to thinking was the fact that these sounds are designed to present an apocalyptic picture at a time when 2012 is perceived to be an end, according to the Mayan Calendar. My first thought was that the hoax had to be from a religious organization or an individual involved with Bible prophecies, which present this view.

In each instance of my investigation into the sounds, the name Paul Begley seemed to keep coming up. This man is Pastor at Community Gospel Baptist Church in Knox, Indiana. Paul Begley has built an enormous presence on the internet, preaching "End of Days" Gospel Revelations, and trying to tie both natural and human world events into evidence of a coming Apocalypse. He also mentions UFOs, extraterrestrials and related content in his internet sermons. The strange sounds are a major topic of his rhetoric for end of days preaching, and come as too great of a tool to legitimize his prophecy. Thus, the chances that he and other members of his religious organization are deliberately releasing videos of this sound are too great to ignore.

His birthplace is hard to locate but I located it to be Kyev, Ukraine. This is most interesting, since the very first video containing the sounds supposedly came from Kiev, Ukraine.

Paul Begley would have plenty of reasons for promoting these sounds as apocalyptic prophecies, as it has immediately boosted his listening audience and increased the number of followers to his church.

These strange sounds, supposedly heard around the world are a hoax with a nucleus traced back to the clever mind of Paul Begley and his many followers of a Biblical prophetic doom. The evidence is too overwhelming and is increasing every day.

What we have here is a man, by way of You Tube and the internet, who has created one of the biggest hoaxes since the broadcast of War of The Worlds. A worldwide tale, which was narrated by Orson Wells in 1938, where millions panicked and believed we were being invaded by Martians.

I would also point out that such videos also play around with the mind of those viewing them. If viewed by enough people the pure suggestion will affect them, and they will believe they hear the sounds as well. It is similar to past articles where I have called attention to the fact that for example, if enough report seeing superman, many will swear they also seen him flying overhead. It is simply the power of suggestion.
Paul Begley has mastered the art of subliminal suggestion in his quest for a cult following. He is playing on everyone's 2012 doom prophecy beliefs and turning it into big monetary profits for his organization. This old phenomenon is called using false prophecy for monetary profit.

The Community Gospel Baptist Church is a private organization established in 2008, with unknown income. This church has no connection to credible known religious organizations, operating legitimately in the world.

What we are witnessing is the birth of one of the largest cults in the world, and its influence is increasing as each day goes by.

Think about it, God isn't responsible for these sounds. Zeus, Jehovah, or the God of any religion hasn't decided to bring an orchestra to this world, just for our benefit and isn't likely to in the near future.

The planet isn't suddenly producing noises it never has before from deep within, or in the atmosphere.

The ones producing these noises are a handful of religious cultists, who desire to play on the fears of the masses for their own financial and status benefit.

This is why it is so important to thoroughly examine each new phenomenon that may come out this year with a skeptic eye.

Every item I write about in UFO Digest and other related publications, I make sure each topic is investigated with a fine tooth comb. I approach each topic as a skeptic who has to convince himself of its legitimacy. I honestly try to find concrete proof, which would convince me that it is real.

In the case of the strange sounds, I have no doubt that they are false and are presented by malicious individuals for personal gain.

In the UFO, paranormal and strange phenomena genre, we who strive for truth and present facts are continuously fighting those who bring to the table, nothing more than useless gibberish and fantastic claims which amount to nonsense.

In today's world, we must all become aware of how to determine fact from fiction.
This can only be done through the research of topics, in finding the evidence needed to either legitimize a claim or toss it, because it is baseless.

On the surface, many stories sound sincere, but upon examination of the facts, many are found to be nothing more than rubbish.

---------- Post Merged at 04:18 AM ----------

Strange Sounds Heard Around The World. The Report. (http://www.ufodigest.com/article/strange-sounds-heard-around-world-report)

Since my last article on 'Strange Sounds' appeared here in the Digest, I have been contacted by more than a few people who mostly wanted to let me know that they have heard them.

Others simply wanted more answers as to what they could be, or my thoughts on the whole phenomena. I began seriously researching this topic only very recently, because so many friends and readers requested it of me. Even though I knew about them before, having viewed the Kiev, Ukraine video as soon as it came out. My first thought when I viewed the Kiev video was that it was a prank. This was because the sounds heard in that video were identical to sounds I have heard in many movies. With that, I dismissed the video as someone having fun.

After digging in on researching the phenomena, I find that hundreds of videos have appeared on You Tube made by people who supposedly heard them. I found that some were using the videos to preach their own Doomsday Doctrines and in doing so, were defrauding the public for donations of cash. In essence, the strange sounds have become a net sensation and are approaching the public viewing level of videos of UFOs and other strange phenomena.

Many who contacted me claiming to have heard the sounds were from a few localized areas in Canada, the rest were from the United States, but those from the states were mostly about inquiring into the sounds themselves, not claiming to have heard them. My research has taken me into several areas of possibilities dealing with a number of probable causes and effects from scientific evidence, geological locations, and other information I'm sure didn't even occur to many.

At present, I have a comprehensive report dealing with all aspects of this phenomena that goes beyond a typical assessment of the situation. The report is way too extensive for a simple magazine article. Thus, I have made it available as a published Kindle, which is available at Amazon.com and soon, a downloadable PDF will be available at my web site which is currently under construction. The report is available now at the following links.

Kindle edition "Strange Sounds Report"

UK link
http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref%3dnb_sb_noss/279-3058505-0977553?url=search-alias%253Daps&field-keywords=Strange+Sounds+Report+%5bKindle+Edition%5 d&x=8&y=22

21-06-2012, 12:05 PM
^ ujung2nya jualan

21-06-2012, 12:39 PM
jadi ingat peristiwa,runtuhnya jembtan kukar,kata temen yg ada dikantor dkt situ,suaranya kaya pesawat jet.

21-06-2012, 01:47 PM
Saya dulu pernah kepikiran suara "drum band" yang sering terdengar di Jogja bersumber dari aktifitas gunung Merapi. Pernah coba mencermati arah sumber suaranya selalu mengarah dari daerah jembatan Gondomanan (saat itu saya tinggal di daerah Gedongkiwo) dan memang jembatan itu berdiri diatas kali Code yang terhubung langsung ke hulu sungai di Merapi.

Itu secara common sense aja. Sayangnya saya memang ndak bisa membuktikan sinyalemen itu secara lebih "ilmiah". Btw, ataukah air (sungai) bersifat lebih baik sebagai penghantar suara dibandingkan dengan udara? Atau yang melalui udara lebih banyak penghalang krn adanya bangunan2? Saya juga ndak mudeng.

Tapi kalo secara "klenik" sih itu katanya pasukan si Nyai yang sedang lewat dari/ke Laut Selatan/Merapi dengan rute menyusuri kali Code. ::elaugh::

21-06-2012, 02:11 PM
nyai? nyai saha? nyai blorong? ;D

21-06-2012, 02:15 PM
hush! nanti kualat loh Yuki :luck:

Itu maksudnya Nyai loro kidul ..
kalau ujan deres disertai angin kan dipercayai Nyai Loro Kidul sedang lewat :)

21-06-2012, 02:15 PM
di KM yg ada kan nyai sumpe
emang nyai siapa lagi yg dimaksut ?

21-06-2012, 02:50 PM
Kalo yang tinggal di pinggiran kali Code sendiri, katanya, mereka malah ndak pernah denger bunyi sayup2 irama drum band itu. Yang mereka dengar adalah bunyi...LAMPOR. Katanya suaranya lebih heboh berupa bunyi kegaduhan gak jelas termasuk adanya bunyi ringkikan kuda (kok bukan aum harimau sekalian aja ya...?) dan suara gemerincing seperti bel kereta (kenapa ndak bel becak ya...) dsb. ;D

Itu semakin memperkuat sinyalemen bahwa bunyi2an tsb bersumber dari aktifitas vulkanik Merapi. Makin dekat sumbernya makin gaduh bunyinya, dan makin jauh makin gak jelas hanya terdengar sayup2 seperti suara drum band. :ngopi:

21-06-2012, 03:10 PM
Di dae Sagan, Pogung Dalangan ama Mrican juga denger suara misterius itu kok :)

21-06-2012, 03:18 PM
Oo.. jadi sudah biasa yah?

21-06-2012, 03:52 PM
Di dae Sagan, Pogung Dalangan ama Mrican juga denger suara misterius itu kok :)
Yg suara "drum band" kan mbakyu? Yup, itu katanya memang kedengeran di seluruh wilayah Jogja. Info mengenai arah sumber suaranya memang simpang siur, tapi (dulu) yang diyakini paling banyak orang adalah di sekitar jembatan Code yang di Gondolayu. Katanya kalo berdiri diatas jembatan itu suaranya terdengar paling jelas. Tapi kalo dari tempatku yg letaknya di selatan (deket pojok beteng kulon) sumbernya lebih mengarah dari jembatan yang di Gondomanan.

Kalo fenomena "lampor" sebenernya lebih populer di pinggiran kali Progo. Dulu katanya sampai ada tradisi orang2 keluar rumah dengan membunyikan tetabuhan/kentongan. Katanya lagi, tradisi itu berhenti saat pendudukan tentara Jepang. Orang2 yg membuat kegaduhan itu akan dicap sebagai antek Amerika dan Inggris.

Kalo yang di Jogja, lagi2 katanya, dulu fenomena lampor dimanfaatkan untuk strategi perang tentara Jepang. Mereka sengaja menciptakan lampor untuk mengelabuhi rakyat. Ketika rakyat bersembunyi di dalam rumah, saat itulah tentara Jepang mengangkuti logistik perang dari satu tempat ke tempat lain.

Mbuh ndi sing bener saya ndak tau... :mrgreen:

Oo.. jadi sudah biasa yah?
Di Jogja, dulu, ya. Dan bunyi itu cukup jelas, saya sangat yakin itu bukan cuman perasaan atau ilusi bunyi aja. Tapi beberapa tahun terakhir mudik, saya dah ndak pernah dengar bunyi2 seperti itu lagi, mungkin penduduknya yg semakin padat menjadi "peredam" bunyi tsb. Tapi entah kalo pas gempa yg lalu, soale saya pas ndak ke Jogja. :ngopi:

21-06-2012, 04:07 PM
Iya yang suara "drumband" itu,
jaman kakak pertama kuliah di sana, dan jaman tante kuliah. saya sering nginep di daerah Sagan dan Pogung
sempat dengar suara itu.

pas awal2 kuliah, kost di mrican pernah denger sekali.
tapi pas tinggal bertahun2 di daerah maguwoharjo, blas ga pernah denger "drumband" lagi
malah dengernya suara pesawat terbang sering banget karena emang deket ama lanud adi sucipto

21-06-2012, 04:32 PM
Lampornya bukan bunyi ringkikan kuda tapi lenguhan gajah ya mbakyu? Kan lebih deket ke kali Gajah Uwong dan Gembira Loka... :mrgreen:

21-06-2012, 04:46 PM
ude ah.. serem gw lamalama ngebahas ginian... ::arg!::


21-06-2012, 07:18 PM
Loh dulu waktu s1 gw sering banged denger suara drumband, waktu kosan masih di dekat hotel ishiro. Gw kira dulu itu memang suara orang latihan drumband, soalnya di dekat situ ada sd. Memang sih gw ga pernah liat ada latihannya ;D

Kalau gemuruh angin seriiiiing banged, jokja kan langganan puting beliung ;D

28-06-2012, 04:12 PM
saya pernah mengalami sendiri, mendengar suara kereta lewat, waktu itu jam 10 malam, belum terlalu larut, masih banyak yang terjaga. Tapi ketika kutanyakan pada tetanggaku, tidak seorangpun yg mendengar suara itu. Oh ya, rumahku dekat dengan stadion sultan agung bantul, di dekatnya jaman dulu ada rel kereta api tinggalan jaman belanda

28-06-2012, 05:24 PM
Wah kalo cuma anda sendiri yg denger sedangkan orang lain ndak ada yg denger..., hiiiiiiiiiii...saya no comment.

Itu berbeda dengan fenomena "drumband" maupun "lampor" yang bisa didengar oleh banyak orang pada waktu yang bersamaan.


29-06-2012, 09:17 PM
ada juga sih cerita tentang bunyi2an itu, tp saya belum pernah dengar, setiap bulan puasa, sekitar jam 8 malam, tetanggaku selalu mendengar suara kentongan (tahu kan?) dan katanya yang dengar banyak, sumber suaranya dekat katanya cuma dari belakang rumah. Rumahnya di pinggir sungai dan banyak pohon bambunya. Kalau yang ini saya belum pernah dengar, eh sebentar lg kan bulan puasa...coba dengerin ah...dan direkam.

*sungainya sungai codej