View Full Version : try to understand BAHASA a little bit more...

23-08-2011, 10:10 PM
Ternyata Bahasa Indonesia lebih simple dibanding Bahasa Inggris...

•English: "Would you please care to elaborate on that statement?".
•Indonesian: "Maksud lo?....." %hmm

•English: "The meeting will start at 9:15 AM. Please be there 15 minutes beforehand."
•Indonesian: " Jangan telat ye !" :udud:

•English: "I definitely won't make it. You guys go and have fun without me."
•Indonesian: "Ntar gue nyusul." :ngopi:

•English: "your statement is already known by everybody else".
•Indonesian: " Basi Lu... " -_-

•English: "I couldn't see the necessity of this conversation".
•Indonesian: "Ga penting bgt deh..." [-(

•English: "I couldn't think of any idea of where to go and what to do".
Indonesian : "Mati gaya nih gw... " #-o

•English: "I need to tell u something unfortunately still need to be confirmed on its validity".
•Indonesian: " Eh..tow ga si lo.. (Ngegosip mode) " :malumalu:

•English: "I coudn't imagine what else could've happen".
•Indonesia: " Buset dah..! " ^:)^

•English: "The conclusion which is not accepted".
•Indonesian: "Cape deee !! " :capek:

•English: "pardon me"
•Indonesia : " HAaHhh ?? "

•English: "I think you should not act in such an improper way".
•Indonesian: " Pelis deh "... . ‎​. ::grrr::

•English: I think I couldn't make a right decision for anything...
•Indonesia: " Males mikir gw...!" ::arg!::

•English: I think it would be better if we don't see each other again...
•Indonesia: " eloh... Gueh... End !!! ". ::cabul::

23-08-2011, 11:32 PM
Bahasanya lucu-lucu. Khas OVJ banget ya. ::ngakak2::

23-08-2011, 11:38 PM
- Are you 100 percent sure of what you just said??
- Sumpe lo??

noodles maniac
23-08-2011, 11:38 PM
spears banget :nunjuk: spears

noodles maniac
23-08-2011, 11:41 PM
i think its useless for you to talk with me right now

AUK AH GELAP! :luck:

23-08-2011, 11:55 PM
•English: "Leave me alone... and do not call me anymore.." ::oops::

•Indonesian: kita putus X_X

24-08-2011, 04:37 AM
- Are you 100 percent sure of what you just said??
- Sumpe lo??

i think its useless for you to talk with me right now

AUK AH GELAP! :luck:

•English: "Leave me alone... and do not call me anymore.." ::oops::

•Indonesian: kita putus X_X



24-08-2011, 09:06 AM
Inglish :wait for moment ...
Indonesia : ntar......... :D

24-08-2011, 09:17 AM
Inggris : what the f*** r you talking about?
Indonesia : paan seh?

E = mc˛
24-08-2011, 10:37 AM
There’s a 75% chance I won’t make it, I’m far too busy for ur stupid event.
"Insyallah yah dateng"

The meeting will start at 10:15 AM. Please be there 15 minutes beforehand.
“Rapatnya jam 8 teng yah!”

Let’s try this new scam and see if those carbo-ladden brains buy it
“Mama minta pulsa”

I’ve stumbled upon something that might be of interest to you. You might find it useful
"cekidot Gan"

This is a very interesting topic that everybody should stay updated about this.
"sundul Gan!"

You’re absolutely, positively 100% correct. But I knew that already.

be careful 'n take care!

24-08-2011, 11:35 AM
Hahahahaaaa...bagus...bagus... ::ngakak2::

24-08-2011, 11:40 AM
I cannot believe that you just said that in this very situantion..!
Hallaagghhh.. !

I would never ever do that in any circumtances..
Najong tralala trilili

24-08-2011, 11:59 AM
Its so cute and sweet that I almost got sick beacuse of it.


24-08-2011, 06:34 PM
This information is really useful for me. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Nais info, gan.

noodles maniac
24-08-2011, 08:09 PM
you don't have to tell me the reason why you are doing that/why you didn't come

cukup tau aja :luck:

24-08-2011, 08:19 PM
"there is nothing we can talk.. but I love you.."
ape loe katee... ::oops::

E = mc˛
25-08-2011, 12:45 PM
This movie is so terrible. Lack of imagination, melodrama, and just plain bad acting and bad directing. it made me physically angry. It's predictable, cliched and unimaginative.

Film kancrut. buatan Nayato/KKD

25-08-2011, 12:56 PM
What would you think about the reaction of those peoples that have heard of your case?

Ya Menurut Lo?

25-08-2011, 01:08 PM
hahahah...lucu2..kreatif sekali..::ngakak2::::ngakak2::

25-08-2011, 03:36 PM
baru kemarin di broadcast bginian, eh udh muncul disini aja haha

mang jami
25-08-2011, 05:56 PM
Teacher: "I hope I don't see you looking at other's test paper."
Guru: "Jangan nyontek yah ... "

noodles maniac
26-08-2011, 06:34 AM
oh my god... i can't believe it would be like that

set dah/bujubuset ::elaugh::

26-08-2011, 09:56 AM
I sincerely hope that that miserable tragedy won't ever happen to me or my family, forever and ever.

Amit-amit jabang bayi