View Full Version : Humor seputar Natal

Matsugawa Dana
25-12-2013, 06:08 PM
Ibu Peri : Kamu mau hadiah Natal apa?

Anak 1 : Aku mau hadiah Natal,baju dingin warna Merah Putih,bu.sekalian ama Topinya juga,bu.

Ibu Peri : Kalo kamu mau hadiah Natal apa?

Anak 2 : Aku mau hadiah natal,6 Kijang bu.

Ibu Peri : Kamu mau hadiah Natal apa?

Anak 3 : Aku mau hadiah Natal Kumis Putih dan Jenggot Putih,bu.

Ibu Peri : (Mulai Geram) Kalo kamu mau hadiah Natal apa?

Anak 4 : Aku mau Hadiah Natal Kereta Kijang yang bisa terbang,bu.

Ibu Peri : Trus kamu mau Hadiah Natal apa? (mulai capek)

Anak 5 : Aku ngga mau hadiah Natal apa2x,bu.Yang penting suara aku bisa kayak suara Kakek pas bilang " Ho! Ho! Ho! "

" Merry Christmas All.Ho! Ho! Ho! "

noodles maniac
25-12-2013, 06:36 PM
Oh my god... Santa Claus sekarang pake Horcrux dan dibagi menjadi 5 bagian di anak-anak itu? ::doh::

Santa Claus ternyata pengguna Dark Arts ::grrr::

Matsugawa Dana
25-12-2013, 06:57 PM
Yang lainnya dong,bikin Banyolan juga.Ayo!jangan mau kalah sama gue.

noodles maniac
25-12-2013, 07:11 PM
Funny jokes about Santa Claus and raindeers
One of the raindeers ask the Santa Claus: why are those two other raindeers – Dasher and Dancer – always taking coffee breaks?
Santa Claus reples: Because they are my star bucks!

Christmas shopping
A judge asks the culprit:
- Please explain me, what are you being prosecuted for?
- I was doing my Christmas shopping too early, - replied the defendant
- But that’s not a crime, - says the judge quite surprised. – How early were you doing your Christmas shopping?
- Before the store opened…

Future profession
A teacher asks the students – who they’d like to be in the futre:
- A driver, - replies Tim.
- A nurse, - says Mary.
- When I grow up, I want to be a fat old man in red, - says the little Johnny.

Christmas wordplay
Knock, knock.
- Who’s there?
- Mary.
- Mary who?
- Mary Christmas

Christmas jokes - questions and answers
Question: What do you call a snowman on skates?
Answer: A snow mobile!

Funny joke about Christmas
Christmas is weird! What other time of the year you sit in front of a dead tree and eat candies out of your socks?

Christmas wordplay
I’m dreaming of the white Christmas. But if white runs out, I’ll drink the red.

Question: What do you get if you cross an apple with a Christmas tree?
Answer: A pineapple

Questions: Who says “oh oh oh”?
Answer: Santa walking backwards

Question: What do elves learn at elf school?
Answer: The elfabet!

Question: who is never hungry during Christmas time?
Answer: A turkey – he’s always stuffed.

Question: What is the biggest enemy of snowmen?
Answer: Hairdryer.

Source (http://www.funny-jokes-quotes.com/christmas-jokes.html)


26-12-2013, 12:12 PM
Question: who is never hungry during Christmas time?
Answer: A turkey – he’s always stuffed.

err ini bukannya thanksgiving ya? ::ungg::::ungg::

noodles maniac
26-12-2013, 12:23 PM
Iya tuh kong, harusnya thanksgiving, tapi Mr. Bean pas Natal juga masak kalkun bukan? :bean:

27-12-2013, 04:22 PM
Santa claus : kamu mau apa?

dana-san : mau soto om

santa claus : oke didepan ada tukang soto

dana-san : mas minta sempaknya dong

santa claus :::arg!::::arg!::

noodles maniac
27-12-2013, 11:19 PM
Cowok : bapak kamu Santa Claus yah

Cewek : kok tau

Cowok : aku ini bapakmu

Cewek : bapaaaaaaakkkkkk
