View Full Version : Microsoft beli Nokia seharga 7.2 Billion US$

04-09-2013, 12:16 PM
This just in, Microsoft has announced that they will be acquiring most of Nokia's business for $7.2 billion dollars. Microsoft will be acquiring Nokia's Devices and Services business, which includes the company's Mobile Phones and Smart Devices business units. Not only that, Microsoft will now license Nokia’s patents and license and use Nokia’s mapping services. Microsoft will pay Nokia a total of EUR 3.79 billion to purchase Nokia’s Devices & Services business and EUR 1.65 billion to license Nokia’s patents, for a total acquisition price of EUR 5.44 billion in cash, or $7.2 billion US dollars.

"Under the terms of the agreement, Microsoft will acquire substantially all of Nokia’s Devices and Services business, including the Mobile Phones and Smart Devices business units as well as an industry-leading design team, operations including all Nokia Devices & Services-related production facilities, Devices & Services-related sales and marketing activities, and related support functions," Microsoft stated in a press release. "At closing, approximately 32,000 people are expected to transfer to Microsoft, including 4,700 people in Finland and 18,300 employees directly involved in manufacturing, assembly and packaging of products worldwide. The operations that are planned to be transferred to Microsoft generated an estimated EUR 14.9 billion, or almost 50 percent of Nokia’s net sales for the full year 2012," Microsoft added.

Thanks to this acquisition, Microsoft will also own the Lumia smartphone brand. The Lumia smartphone brand currently runs Microsoft's Windows Phone 8 and has allowed Microsoft's mobile platform to achieve a boost in market share. Microsoft will also be entering into a few licensing agreements, especially with Qualcomm. Microsoft will enter into a 10 year licensing agreement with Nokia's patents and will become a "strategic licensee" of the HERE platform and will separately pay Nokia for a four-year license.

"Microsoft will acquire the Asha brand and will license the Nokia brand for use with current Nokia mobile phone products. Nokia will continue to own and manage the Nokia brand. This element provides Microsoft with the opportunity to extend its service offerings to a far wider group around the world while allowing Nokia’s mobile phones to serve as an on-ramp to Windows Phone," Microsoft added. Once the acquisition goes through, several Nokia executives will transfer to Microsoft. These executives include CEO Stephen Elop, Jo Harlow, Juha Putkiranta, Timo Toikkanen, and Chris Weber. Microsoft will use a new center in Finland to serve Microsoft consumers in Europe.

This acquisition will finalize by the first quarter of 2014. How do you feel about this huge news? Let us know in the comments below!


Liputan6.com, Kabar mengejutkan datang dari Nokia dan Microsoft. Menurut Nokia, Microsoft telah sepakat membeli unit device and service Nokia, serta lisensi paten dan layanan pemetaan Nokia. Kabar ini sebenarnya sudah pernah mencuat sebelumnya.

Untuk akuisisi tersebut, perusahaan pembuat software asal Redmond, Amerika Serikat itu telah merogoh kocek senilai $ 4,99 milyar untuk divisi tersebut, dan $ 2,18 milyar untuk lisensi paten. Total uang yang dikeluarkan Microsoft mencapai $ 7,17 milyar. Melalui kesepakatan dengan Nokia, yang notabene merupakan produsen Windows Phone terbesar, Microsoft berharap dapat mempercepat pertumbuhan perusahaan dan meningkatkan pangsa pasar smartphone Nokia. Keduanya akan saling bersinergi lebih banyak lagi ke depannya.

"Kesepakatan ini merupakan langkah berani ke depan, win-win bagi karyawan, pemegang saham dan konsumen dari kedua perusahaan," kata CEO Microsoft Steve Ballmer yang dikutip dari Engadget, Selasa (3/9/2013). Sekitar 32.000 orang karyawan Nokia nantinya akan ditransfer ke Microsoft, termasuk 4.700 orang di Finlandia dan 18.300 karyawan yang terlibat langsung dalam pembuatan produk.

Melalui perjanjian ini, Microsoft akan mendapatkan lisensi non-eksklusif selama 10 tahun terhadap ide-ide Nokia dan "hak timbal balik" untuk menggunakan paten Microsoft dalam layanan pemetaan Nokia Here. Perjanjian ini diperkirakan akan rampung pada kuartal pertama 2014. Nokia sendiri telah bermitra dengan Microsoft sejak tahun 2011 dan menggunakan software Microsoft para ponsel-ponsel besutannya.

Sebagai bagian dari kesepakatan itu, Stephen Elop akan mengundurkan diri sebagai CEO Nokia dan menjadi executive vice president divisi tersebut.



setelah ericsson menyusul nokia
kenapa dulu nokia gak pindah ke android aja....

04-09-2013, 12:55 PM
Wah lagi didiskusiin rame nih di inet.

Ada yang bilang si elop itu antek microsoft dulu dikirim buat ngegembosin nokia dr dalem biar bisa dijual ke microsoft.

Google dan microsoft pengen banget ngikutin apple, google beli motorola, microsoft beli nokia

Gimana ya... Walau produk nexus imho bagus2, tapi prasaan masi kalah hype sama samsung.

Padahal prasaan mending microsoft baikin itu windows mobile, drpd beli perusahaan hardware.

Ah...."hadiah" terakhir dari ballmer ini -_-

noodles maniac
04-09-2013, 12:56 PM
Soft-Nokia.. Ato Micronokia.. Hehe lucu juga ::hihi::

04-09-2013, 12:57 PM
Mikocok + Nokiyem = Mi Ayem ;D

04-09-2013, 01:06 PM
microsoft + nokia = mi no ki ::arg!::

04-09-2013, 01:48 PM
microsoft + nokia = mi sronok

05-09-2013, 12:01 AM
Gak tau kenapa sejak lama gw gak suka sama Microsoft...
Kayaknya gara2 propaganda anti pembajakan besar2an di indonesia.

Kalo Nokia gw suka, dari dulu kalo denger kata Nokia rasanya seneng.
Sejak jaman Nokia Pisang gw selalu suka sama produk2 Nokia.

Sekarang dibeli Microsoft :(

05-09-2013, 03:28 PM
Nokia merk fav sayah. Dari hape pertama sampe yang sekarang selalu nokia. awas aja kalo abis ini nggak ada stupid phone dikeluarin gegara dibeli microsoft!

06-09-2013, 02:55 PM
wow, 7.2b bisa buat beli berapa kilo kerupuk?