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Thread: Jengkol

  1. #1
    pelanggan setia
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Harga jengkol sekarang setara harga daging sapi. Kalo pinter masaknya jengkol ini bisa enak bgt dan nggak bau.
    Kayaknya jengkol dan sodaranya pete lagi naik daun karena dianggap punya anti oksidan tinggi.

    If you are a fan of traditional food, surely you know the object that is round flat, thin brown skin, odorless and consumed a lot of people. The object is Jengkol. Jengkol or Jering or Pithecollobium Jiringa or Pithecollobium Labatum is typical of plants in the Southeast Asia region, including those popular in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia, especially in West Java who consumed 100 tons a day.

    Jengkol plants a tree that can reach 10-26 feet tall. The fruit is a pod-shaped flattened and convoluted. Old fruit color violet. After the old, the fruit pods form a convex and in places that contain seeds increased its size. Each pod can contain 5-7 seeds. Ari seeds thin-skinned and glossy brown.

    Jengkol will create a furor when cooking and after processing by the digestion, which is causing the smell that he said no odor. The cause of the smell was actually the amino acids contained in the seeds jengkol. Amino acids were dominated by amino acids containing sulfur element (when degraded or fragmented into smaller components, amino acids that will produce the various components of flavor that is very bad, because the influence of sulfur. One of the gases formed by elements that are H2S gas is known to be very smelly.

    Odor generated from jengkol it's actually quite disturbing, especially for others who did not share a meal. If the meal, despite the smell, at least have enjoyed the delights jengkol. But for others who did not share, but just miss the smell, would feel very disturbed. Especially with the release of urine. If this jengkol eaters pee in the toilet and rinse less than perfect, then the toilet will smell bad and disturbing the peace of others.

    When digested jengkol will leave a substance called jengkolat acid (jencolid acid) are dumped into the kidneys. This is where the effects are often feared by the people, namely jengkoleun or jengkolan. Jengkolan jengkolat occurs when acids that are difficult to dissolve in water eventually settles in the kidneys, forming solid crystals can result in difficult to dispose of urine. If our blood pH neutral, acid jengkolat safe, but if you tend to be acidic (pH less than 7) jengkolat acid forming insoluble crystals.

    Jengkolan risk is not dependent on the amount consumed jengkol, but depending on the vulnerability of a person's body. Susceptible people, eating less jengkol alone can cause jengkolan. What affects a person's susceptibility to acid jengkolat unclear, but presumably due to genetic and environmental factors.

    Behind the odor generated jengkol, it contained useful benefits for health. According to various studies have shown that jengkol also rich in carbohydrates, protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, alkaloids, essential oils, steroids, glycosides, tannins, and saponins.

    Especially for the content of vitamin C contained 80 mg in 100 grams of seed jengkol, while the figure the recommended dietary allowance is 75 mg per day for adult women and 90 mg for adult men.

    In addition, Jengkol a good source of protein, which is 23.3 g per 100 g of material. Protein levels far exceeding the tempeh which is known as a source of vegetable protein, which is only 18.3 g per 100 g. Protein needs of each individual course is different. In addition to helping the growth and maintenance, the protein also functions to build enzymes, hormones, and immunity of the body. Therefore, the protein substance often called the builder.

    For iron, Jengkol containing 4.7 g per 100 g. Iron deficiency can cause anemia. The symptoms of people suffering from iron deficiency anemia are fatigue, weakness, pale and less passionate, headaches and irritability, inability to concentrate, and susceptible to infection. Patients with chronic anemia showed shape like a spoon and brittle nails, cracked at the corners of the mouth, tongue, difficulty in swallowing.Adolescents, pregnant women, nursing mothers, adults, and vegetarians are most at risk for iron deficiency. In the body, iron partially located within the red blood cells as heme, a pigment that contains iron core of an atom.

    Jengkol also very good for bone health because of the high content of calcium, which is 140 mg / 100 g. The role of calcium in general can be divided into two, namely helping the formation of bones and teeth, and regulate biological processes in the body.The need is greatest calcium during the growth period, but in adulthood is highly recommended adequate intake for maintaining bone health. The recommended calcium intake for adults is 800 mg per day.

    The content of phosphorus in jengkol (166.7 mg/100 g) is also very important for the formation of bones and teeth, as well as for energy storage and expenditure. Thus, in fact many of the benefits gained from eating jengkol and this is just an input only, not a doctrine that requires you to believe and follow in order to consume jengkol, but you just know that there are benefits behind this smelly vegetable pods.


    Berbagai masakan jengkol:
    1. Rendang jengkol
    2. Semur jengkol
    3. Jengkol balado
    4. dll

    Kalo kebanyakan makan jengkol, jadi susah buang air kecil. Ada yang bilang nama penyakitnya kejengkolan.
    There is no comfort under the grow zone, and there is no grow under the comfort zone.

    Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain.

    But you can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

  2. #2
    pelanggan setia neofio's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    di sunda jengkol disebut juga ' tiger heart' alias ati maung
    Posted via Mobile Device

  3. #3
    pelanggan setia Alethia's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    tp pete ngga

    eh sampe mau bikin jus jengkol segala
    tp susah nemu resepnya biar ga bau
    Jangan kamu bilang dirimu kaya, bila tetanggamu memakan bangkai kucingnya.

  4. #4
    pelanggan setia mbok jamu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Seumur-umur belum pernah makan jengkol.

    si Raja jengkol mana nih?
    "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain

  5. #5
    pelanggan setia
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Alethia View Post
    tp pete ngga

    eh sampe mau bikin jus jengkol segala
    tp susah nemu resepnya biar ga bau
    Jus jengkol?

    Supaya nggak bau direbus dulu, ganti airnya lalu direndam semalaman campur bubuk kopi. Lakukan dua kali.
    There is no comfort under the grow zone, and there is no grow under the comfort zone.

    Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain.

    But you can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

  6. #6
    pelanggan setia mbok jamu's Avatar
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    Kenapa jengkol dimakan? Di mana letak kenikmatannya? Jujur nanya nih.
    "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain

  7. #7
    pelanggan setia
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    May 2011
    itu [MENTION=657]Alethia[/MENTION] yang paling tau. Pake mau dijus segala, gak kebayang rasanya. Tapi secara umum jengkol itu bikin ketagihan karena dua hal: pertama terksturnya yaitu kalo dia lagi empuk, gak ada makanan lain seempuk itu. Kayak campuran antara empuk dan sedikit kenyal. Kedua dari rasanya yang plain dan cocok dengan masakan2 tertentu yang tadinya berbasis daging. Tidak semua bahan non daging punya kemampuan begini, karena kalo dimasak lama pasti ancur, sedang jengkol enggak. Kenikmatan masakan yang dimasak lama itu semakin lama dimasak bumbunya semakin meresap.

    JAKARTA, - Siapa yang tak tergoda dengan taburan bawang goreng di atas nasi uduk dengan guyuran kuah semur serta sambal kacang? Apalagi ditambah dengan empal goreng juga jengkol bumbu semur. Hmm..

    Buat Anda penggemar kuliner nasi yang direbus dengan santan ini, jangan lewatkan Warung Nasi Uduk Bang Udin di bilangan Rawa Belong, Jakarta Barat. Satu yang wajib dicicipi di sana adalah nasi uduk semur jengkol!

    KompasTravel sempat mencoba kuliner nasi uduk racikan Bang Udin beberapa waktu lalu. Saat itu, Warung Nasi Uduk Bang Udin terbilang tak terlalu ramai.

    Seporsi nasi uduk semur jengkol dan empal goreng andalan Bang Udin langsung tersaji di meja. Tak perlu lama menunggu, KompasTravel menyantap sendok demi sendok nasi uduk bersama potongan jengkol yang dimasak semur.

    Rasa pedas menyeruak dari bumbu lada semur jengkol dan sambal kacang di piring. Namun, pedasnya tak menyiksa lidah dan malah membuat ketagihan untuk kembali memotong jengkol.

    Bang Udin, generasi kedua pengelola Warung Nasi Uduk Bang Udin di Kawasan Rawa Belong, Palmerah, Jakarta. Usaha warung nasi uduk pertama kali dijalankan oleh ayahnya pada tahun 1986 yakni Dasuki.( / WAHYU ADITYO PRODJO)
    Bau jengkol yang ditakuti oleh para penyantapnya pun tak muncul. Yang tersisa di mulut hanyalah rasa gurih dan ketagihan.

    Sambal kacang membuat lidah makin keringat bercucuran. Kondisi yang KompasTravel rasakan juga terlihat jelas di wajah-wajah pembeli yang menyantap nasi uduk langsung di warung.

    Empal goreng sebagai teman menyantap nasi uduk juga tak kalah ketinggalan dalam urusan rasa. Rasa gurih dari rendaman bawang putih, garam, dan bumbu-bumbu lain menjalar di lidah.

    Pemilik warung nasi uduk, Bang Udin (51) mengatakan nasi uduk dengan semur jengkol serta empal goreng adalah favorit pembeli di warungnya. Setiap hari Udin tak pernah absen menjual semur jengkol.

    Semur jengkol di Warung Nasi Uduk Bang Udin Kawasan Rawa Belong, Palmerah, Jakarta, Kamis (18/5/2017). Nasi uduk semur jengkol Bang Udin telah hadir sejak tahun 1986.( / WAHYU ADITYO PRODJO)
    "Yang paling laris itu semur jengkol. Setiap hari bisa habis jengkol lima kilogram," kata Udin saat ditemui KompasTravel di warungnya, Jumat (18/5/2017) malam.

    Pembeli nasi uduk semur jengkol Bang Udin sendiri tak hanya dari sekitar Jakarta. Menurutnya, semur jengkolnya bahkan pernah dibeli oleh orang luar negeri seperti Singapura dan Australia.

    Usut punya usut, ternyata hidangan nasi uduk semur jengkol di Warung Bang Udin telah ada sejak tahun 1986. Bisa dibilang, resep semur jengkol Bang Udin telah bertahan selama 30 tahun.

    " Semur jengkol dari tahun 1986. Dari jaman ibu sudah ada. Dulu jualnya sedikit tapi selalu ada gak pernah gak ada," ujar Udin dengan logat Betawinya yang kental.

    Warung Nasi Uduk Bang Udin di Kawasan Rawa Belong, Palmerah, Jakarta, Kamis (19/5/2017). Warung Nasi Uduk Bang Udin menyediakan nasi uduk dengan lauk seperti semur jengkol, empal goreng, semur tahu tempe dan telor, dan berbagai lauk lainnya.( / WAHYU ADITYO PRODJO)
    Udin sedikit membeberkan rahasia cara memasak semur jengkol racikannya. Ia terlebih dahulu merendam jengkol dari pukul 06.00 - 16.00 WIB sebelum dimasak.

    "Untuk bumbunya semur jengkol itu jinten, kemiri, bawang putih, lada, mecin, dan kecap," ujarnya.

    Selain semur jengkol, pembeli bisa memilih semur telur, kentang, tempe, dan tahu; kari tempe, telur, dan tahu; juga rendang ati ampela dan telur. Ada pilihan lain seperti bakwan udang goreng, ayam goreng, pepes ikan teri, dan perkedel.

    Seporsi nasi uduk semur jengkol Udin jual seharga Rp 14.000. Bila ingin menambah pilihan lain, pembeli akan dikenakan tambahan mulai dari Rp 2.000 - Rp 24.000.

    Warung Nasi Uduk Bang Udin terletak di Jalan Palmerah Barat. Warung Band Udin buka mulai pukul 17.00 - 00.30 WIB.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Abis dibeliin jengkol mentah sekilo sama si mbak. Ternyata kalo di pasar tradisional masih murah, 30 k. Tapi masuk ke supermarket harga yang sama hanya untuk 3 ons doang. Herman bedanya jauh banget.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Abis dibeliin jengkol mentah sekilo sama si mbak. Ternyata kalo di pasar tradisional masih murah, 30 k. Tapi masuk ke supermarket harga yang sama hanya untuk 3 ons doang. Herman bedanya jauh banget.
    There is no comfort under the grow zone, and there is no grow under the comfort zone.

    Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain.

    But you can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

  8. #8
    Chief Cook etca's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    ga doyan jengkol + pete.

    itu kalau ada istilah kejengkolan apa maksudnya sih?

  9. #9
    pelanggan setia
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    May 2011
    Kebanyakan makan jengkol jadi sakit pas pipisnya
    There is no comfort under the grow zone, and there is no grow under the comfort zone.

    Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain.

    But you can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

  10. #10
    pelanggan setia mbok jamu's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
    Keracunan dong?
    "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    DKI Jakarta
    Kalau ngomongin jengkol, kalau masak ini wanginya ga cuman di dapur doang, tapi kemana-kemana wanginya kecium wkwkw
    Apalagi kalau memang masaknya direndangin, buseeeeeeeeeeet deh mantap bener

  12. #12
    pelanggan setia serendipity's Avatar
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    Sebulan dua bulan ini lagi suka sukanya makan jengki, endes aja menurut gw. Seru cara masaknya.
    Minggu kemaren masak jengki direbus 2 kali, di geprek abis itu dikupas. Tangan gw ampe merah... Sakit.
    Pas mau goreng, masukin minyaknya kebanyakan pula... alhasil jadi oily banget.

    Kemaren deket rumah ada yang jualan jengki, digoreng balado... gw nanya ibunya pas jengki nyampe di meja ..
    "ini emang makannya ama kulitnya ya?" kata gw.. terus ibunya jawab "iya emang gitu". secara baru kali itu gw makan jengki ama kulitnya.

  13. #13
    pelanggan setia
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    May 2011
    Paling mantep memang rendang jengkol. Kalo balado di RM padang saya liat ga pake kulitnya, tapi kalo pete iya.
    There is no comfort under the grow zone, and there is no grow under the comfort zone.

    Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain.

    But you can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

  14. #14
    Wah jengkol...
    Kalau pinter ngolahnya, biasanya jengkol ini jadi makanan yang enak banget sampe makanan yang lain bisa kalah sama rasanya :9
    Saya sendiri suka jengkol kalau disemur gitu lho kwkw atau direndang gituu

  15. #15
    pelanggan setia
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    May 2011
    Festival Jengkol

    Sayangnya kok jauh amat.
    There is no comfort under the grow zone, and there is no grow under the comfort zone.

    Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain.

    But you can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

  16. #16
    juragan kopi noodles maniac's Avatar
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    Noodle Cafe
    Gak suka jengkol, kalo pete masih suka
    Babeh maniak jengkol padahal punya asam urat
    Jika menurutmu hidup ini tidak menarik, maka buatlah hidupmu semenarik mungkin - Shinsaku Takasugi

    Impossible is nothing!

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