iseng2 aja
saya dapet fwd-an nih
barangkali ada yang ingin coba solve this puzzle.
katanya ini pe-er anak sd kelas 6 dari singapur, makanya pertanyaannya pake bhs inggris aja ya

S and P, are told that integers x and y have been chosen such that 1 < x < y and x+y < 100. S is given the value X+y and P is given the value xy. They then have the following conversation:

P: I cannot determine the two numbers.
S: I knew that
P: Now I can determine them
S: So can I.

Given that the above statements are true, what are the two numbers?
ternyata pr anak jaman skarang ribet juga ya, mental gymnastic ngga begitu straight forward kaya jaman dulu