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Thread: ILLUMINATI, Mitos atau Fakta?

  1. #21
    pelanggan setia beastmen85's Avatar
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    gw ga yakin subliminal bner2 ngaruh, at least ke gw.

    *jg udh pernah nyoba iso tones, monokronik, binaural keknya ga ngefek

    ato cm gw?
    jd merembet ke pseudo sains...
    because, imagination is a part of reality-

  2. #22
    pelanggan tetap Serenade's Avatar
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    Jadi iluminati ini pny misi apa?
    Masi berusaha mendongkleng gereja?

  3. #23
    pelanggan setia Ronggolawe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beastmen85 View Post
    gw ga yakin subliminal bner2 ngaruh, at least ke gw.

    *jg udh pernah nyoba iso tones, monokronik, binaural keknya ga ngefek

    ato cm gw?
    jd merembet ke pseudo sains...
    bukan masalah ngaruh atau ngga ngaruh, faktanya
    mereka telah mengirimkan pesan tersebut.

  4. #24
    pelanggan setia beastmen85's Avatar
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    ^ paling tidak new world order tdk bisa mengendalikan org2 yg cuex bebex pada pada perubahan dunia :d

    ---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Ronggolawe View Post
    bukan masalah ngaruh atau ngga ngaruh, faktanya
    mereka telah mengirimkan pesan tersebut.
    masalahnya byk jg yg ga tau pesan apa yg disampaikan.

    ini kek menyampaikan surat pada org yg ga tau apa itu alfabet

    terberkatilah org2 bodoh
    because, imagination is a part of reality-

  5. #25
    pelanggan setia spears's Avatar
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    dari internet :

    Illuminati adalah organisasi rahasia yang didirikan oleh Adam Weischaupt di Bavaria, pada 1 Mei 1771. Illuminati adalah satu perkumpulan rahasia, sebuah sekte religius yang telah melewati waktu panjang dan juga menamakan dirinya dengan sebutan Illuminati, yang berarti tercerahkan. Illuminati juga biasa disebut sebagai Kelompok Cahaya. Kelompok ini, dituding oleh banyak kalangan sebagai dalang dari berbagai peristiwa yang terjadi di dunia.

    Anggota Illuminati diharuskan menjaga rahasia dengan ketat, dan mereka yang bergabung dalam organisasi ini harus menjalani baiat untuk tidak akan pernah membocorkan rahasia apapun yang ada dalam organisasi. Jika terjadi sesuatu, maka para anggota Illuminati diharuskan untuk tidak memberi tahu siapa atasan mereka.

    Pada masa Hindia Belanda, kelompok Illuminati masuk ke Indonesia melalui orang-orang Belanda keturunan Yahudi. Mereka datang ke Indonesia menyusupkan paham Marxisme dan Komunisme. Diantara tokoh-tokohnya adalah Fransiscus Marie Sneevliet, P.Bergsma, dan H.W Dekker. Sneevliet sukses menyusupkan kader-kader komunis seperti Semaun untuk menyusup masuk ke dalam Syarikat Islam (SI), sehingga organisasi ini terpecah menjadi dua: SI Putih dan SI Merah.

    Jocobus Cornelis Matthieu Radermacher, orang yang membawa Freemasonry ke Indonesia juga berasal dari kelompok Illuminati atau Kelompok Cahaya. Kata “cahaya” juga banyak digunakan oleh organ-organ Theosofi dan Freemasonry sebagai nama loji, nama lembaga, bahkan nama penerbitan yang mempropagandakan doktrin-doktrin mereka. Selain Radermacher, tokoh Illuminati yang pernah masuk ke Indonesia adalah Thomas Stanford Raffless, seorang anggota Freemasonry yang sempat menjadi Gubernur Jenderal di Bengkulu.

  6. #26
    pelanggan setia Ronggolawe's Avatar
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    orang-orang yang cuex bebex, ngga diapa-apain
    juga ngga ada gunanya dan ngga ada ancamannya

  7. #27
    pelanggan setia choodee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronggolawe View Post
    orang-orang yang cuex bebex, ngga diapa-apain
    juga ngga ada gunanya dan ngga ada ancamannya

    Justru orang2 penting macam presiden keknya ga minat sama pesan subliminal kek gitu, yg minat malah kesannya kurang kerjaan

    Kalo maw bikin strategi new world order itu kek di 21st century boys, pake propaganda yg lebih kena, makanya menyusup ke organisasi agama seperri yg disebut spirs (ke SI) lebih kena tujuan new world ordernya drpd pesan subliminal.

  8. #28
    pelanggan setia spears's Avatar
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    walopun banyaknya theory ttg Illuminati.. gw berpendapat bahwa Illuminati itu hanya hoax. oke, mereka mungkin emang eksis. tp ya nggak seberkuasa itu. pas baca2 di internet.. ternyata kematian MJ juga dihubung2kan sama illuminati lho.

    "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."

    I've been observing this forum for some time now. We’re a group of investigators, right? Let’s do some hardcore investigating together. Let’s combine forces and make this investigation huge. I noticed a majority of you believe Michael faked his death to escape the Illuminati and protect his family. I’m extremely pleased that this investigation has awoken so many of you the facts. The world is not what we thought it was, is it? The way I see it, the “hoax” can be split three ways:

    1. The “Illuminati” were trying to kill Michael (as he told many people) and he out thought them and managed to escape, saving himself and his family.
    2. Michael did not out think the Illuminati and they killed him.
    3. Dr. Murray was responsible for his death. The Illuminati wasn’t involved.

    NOTE: I’m going to say IF a lot, which I know a lot of you don’t like. The reason I’m doing this is because I don’t want you to know if I think he’s alive or not. I want you all to use your own intuition. YES that part is very important. I think everyone here wants him to be alive. But, I think we should all work together on exposing and figuring out the common denominator for all this- The Illuminati. Because even if they didn’t get him, they’re still trying to and he’s still in danger. He wanted to help us see. I think we need to honor him, alive or dead and HELP HIM this time.

    Now, a little investigating can eliminate number 3. His own family believes he was murdered and Murray was the “fall guy.” Michael knew what was happening. He knew they were against him. He told so many people they were trying to kill him. He wouldn’t eat or drink because they were trying to poison him. (This is where the rumors came from that he wasn’t eating.) Michael’s records were number one ALL OVER THE WORLD. Everywhere except America, that is. The American government is filled with the most corrupt, power hungry elites of all. They despise Michael Jackson and everything he stands for. Michael spoke of this on numerous occasions, many of which can be found on youtube. He is even quoted in a video saying his records were number one all over the world, except for America. When asked why he said, “I don’t wanna say too much, there’s a conspiracy, I don’t wanna say too much. I’m done.” The American government has depopulation plans. They study a religion called Eugenics. They plan to kill off a majority of our world’s population using genocide. Michael planned to expose this and many other NWO tactics, which is why many believe he was killed before he got the chance. This is all done behind the curtain. Nobody knows who REALLY runs this country. Much like Murray, the president and visible government are the FALL GUYS. They read from teleprompters and do what they are told. Presidents who fail to comply are killed.

    The reason I did not include that this was all a game or “The greatest show on earth” as a theory is because it’s not at all like that. Sure, if Michael comes back, I’m sure it will be THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH. But that was not why he did what he did, if he did. I believe that whole thing was a distraction.

    We’re all one. We all have a common denominator. Let’s stop trying to get people to believe he alive or believe he’s dead. Because the truth is, those of you who think he’s alive have so much passion and intuition that there is no talking you out of it. And those of you who believe he’s dead are the same way. Go with your own intuition. But, Michael tried so hard to expose what they are doing to us. And he may have paid the ultimate price for trying to share his knowledge. Let’s expose these people!

    PLEASE do your research. PLEASE look up everything mentioned on here if you are not already familiar with it.
    If you guys will allow it, I have a lot of knowledge I would like to share.

    I love you all.
    We can do this.
    The Illuminati are generally powerful and rich people, not a lot of celebrities are members of the Illuminati. Just because the Illuminati controls the music and film industries, does not mean that all celebrities are members. Celebrities do not sell their souls to become famous, the Illuminati believe in God, they just fear God. The Illuminati will kill anyone, anywhere at anytime to get what they need. The people that are "Anti-New World Order" and speak out against the Illuminati will be murdered like 2Pac, and most recently, Michael Jackson. 2Pac and Michael Jackson were going to warn the entire world about what the Illuminati are planning. If you look at the title of 2Pac's album "The Don Killuminati" for example; 2Pac was referring to the Illuminati in this title, Kill + Illuminati. The Illuminati have killed 2Pac, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe, Jon Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, John F. Kennedy, Abe Lincoln, Princess Diana, Martin Luther King, the list goes on.
    atau baca ini..dahsyattt


    jadi inget di KG so young and naive to believe such thing.
    tp walopun gue skrg gak percaya, tetep asik baca2 teori2nya .lumayanlah buat hiburan

  9. #29
    tsu's Avatar
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    weleh, berat.....
    saya lebih suka priory of sion hehehe
    walo saya sangat suka carlo ventresca

    btw nanya, apa benar gereja vatikan dulu pernah mengebiri ribuan patung telanjang yang ada di roma ?

  10. #30
    pelanggan setia choodee's Avatar
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    Gw sama kek lu spirs, jaman gw baca dan brown pertama kali itu gw terkesima bgt, skg kalo terlalu bombastis lgsg cuman meh, memang saya sudah menua

    Imo, freemason lebih powerful drpd iluminati, as i said before, iluminati levelnya cuman kek organisasi, kalo freemason udah ampir2 kek agama, imo loh ya...

    Kalau di hollywood ada organisasi khusua buat kaym elit sih gw percaya, hollywood gitu loh, cakar2an klo maw survive di situ, tapi kalo sampe ngebunuh MJ ama 2pac sih gw cuman

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by tsu View Post
    btw nanya, apa benar gereja vatikan dulu pernah mengebiri ribuan patung telanjang yang ada di roma ?
    yep. pernah. Dan brown menuduh vandalisme ini dimulai dari era Paus Pius IX, Paus Paulus IV menempelkn tambahan utk menutupi karya2 vulgar. banyak karya yg sangat disayangkan. yg paling terkenal adalah patung The Bacchus-nya michaelangelo yg disunat permanen...
    you can also find me here

  12. #32
    Barista BundaNa's Avatar
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    gw liatnya simbol2 iluminati, freemanson, persaudaraan sion, templar, simbol2nya hampir sama ya. baphomet, piramid

  13. #33
    opera's Avatar
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    di KM gak ada membernya?

  14. #34
    pelanggan setia spears's Avatar
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    kan ada..kalo freemason. si Ozma

    kalo ini beneran Ozma yg dulu. coba panggil kesini Ozmanya

  15. #35
    pelanggan setia Ronggolawe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spears View Post
    walopun banyaknya theory ttg Illuminati.. gw berpendapat bahwa Illuminati itu hanya hoax. oke, mereka mungkin emang eksis. tp ya nggak seberkuasa itu. pas baca2 di internet.. ternyata kematian MJ juga dihubung2kan sama illuminati lho.

    atau baca ini..dahsyattt


    jadi inget di KG so young and naive to believe such thing.
    tp walopun gue skrg gak percaya, tetep asik baca2 teori2nya .lumayanlah buat hiburan
    bicara MJ, salah satu tokoh anti-illuminati

  16. #36
    pelanggan setia Ronggolawe's Avatar
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    dan bentuk perlawanannya

  17. #37
    tsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Δx Δp ≥ ˝ ħ View Post
    yep. pernah. Dan brown menuduh vandalisme ini dimulai dari era Paus Pius IX, Paus Paulus IV menempelkn tambahan utk menutupi karya2 vulgar. banyak karya yg sangat disayangkan. yg paling terkenal adalah patung The Bacchus-nya michaelangelo yg disunat permanen...
    yah...... meskipun yang melakukan adalah gereja, tapi vandal tetep vandal
    itu murni karena dianggap porno ato emang sebangsanya michaelangelo ato raphael itu adalah punggawa illuminati ? #danbrownmode

  18. #38
    pelanggan setia choodee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tsu View Post
    yah...... meskipun yang melakukan adalah gereja, tapi vandal tetep vandal
    itu murni karena dianggap porno ato emang sebangsanya michaelangelo ato raphael itu adalah punggawa illuminati ? #danbrownmode
    dari buku seri tokoh dunia michaelangelo yg gw baca, itu patung dan lukisan vulgar disensor karena murni dianggap porno

  19. #39
    pelanggan setia spears's Avatar
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    Sbnrnya illuminati ini awal2nya bertentangan ama gereja.kisah2nya di jaman dulu mengindikasikan kalau gereja adalah musuh utama Illuminati. Tp ksini2, kenapa org2 Islam kebawa2 juga? disinilah kayaknya keliatan hoaxnya.

  20. #40
    pelanggan setia beastmen85's Avatar
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    ^ kan new world order, jd semua, termasuk islam disusupi utk dihancurkan dr dalam
    because, imagination is a part of reality-

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