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12-03-2013, 10:14 PM
TSA (Transportation Security Administration) baru2 ini mengumumkan peraturan baru yg memperbolehkan penumpang membawa pisau kecil, ukuran blade dibawah 5cm, lipat dan non-locking.

Pengumuman ini menimbulkan kontroversi dan perdebatan, terutama di Amerika yg pernah mengalami pembajakan pesawat oleh teroris bersenjata pisau.

Tahun lalu seorang gadis remaja membuat kehebohan di dunia maya karena mengupload foto pisau di atas pesawat, menurutnya ia tak sengaja membawa pisau lipat dan melewati security check.


TSA to Allow Pocket Knives On Planes

Mar 5, 2013 3:10pm
As the nation braces for potentially extended airport security lines because of the federal budget sequester, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has announced they will allow small pocket knives and certain sporting goods on planes for the first time in more than a decade.
TSA Administrator John Pistole announced the change today at an aviation security conference in New York.

Starting April 25, passengers flying on U.S. flights will be allowed to carry small pocket knives – blades less than 6-centimeters, up to two golf clubs, ski poles, as well as sporting sticks used for hockey, lacrosse, and billiards.

Baseball bats will remain on the no-fly list, though wiffle-ball bats and souvenir baseball bats (less than 24-inches long) will be allowed.
“These are popular items we see regularly,” agency spokesman David Castelveter told Bloomberg News. “They don’t present a risk to transportation security.”
The move comes following a recommendation by a TSA working group that such items are not a security threat. The move will conform to international rules that currently allow the small knives and sporting goods.

“Frankly, I don’t want TSA agents to be delayed by these,” Pistole told the audience. Adding that TSA screeners at Los Angeles International Airport in the last three months of 2012, seized 47 of the small knives per day.

The Flight Attendants Union Coalition, which represents the 90,000 flight attendants on carriers nationwide, blasted the announcement calling it “poor and shortsighted.”

“Continued prohibition of these items is an integral layer in making our aviation system secure and must remain in place,” the statement said.
“As the last line of defense in the cabin and key aviation partners, we believe that these proposed changes will further endanger the lives of all Flight Attendants and the passengers we work so hard to keep safe and secure.”

Razor blades and box-cutters, like those used by the 9/11 terrorists, will still be banned.
“There is just too much emotion involved with those,” Pistole said at the conference.

The Transportation Security Administration announced last week they would be reducing ”frontline workforce,” those who screen passengers prior to accessing a flight gate, and thereby lead to increased passenger wait times at airport security checkpoints.

The cuts come from a freeze of airport security screeners hiring and cutbacks on overtime, due to sequestration.

sumber (http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2013/03/tsa-to-allow-pocket-knives-on-planes/)

12-03-2013, 10:19 PM
ngapain lagi nih TSA?
mau bikin celah buat ngulang kejadian lama dengan
kambing hitam lainnya?

12-03-2013, 10:28 PM
kongres kayanya bakal berusaha untuk overturn kebijakan baru TSA ini.

TSA sebenarnya juga berada di posisi serba salah sih.
pertama, mereka termasuk yang kena budget cut, akibat pemotongan budget pemerintah federal baru2 ini
maka dari itu, mereka juga terpaksa mengurangi tenaga mereka, dan bagian ini yang dilongarkan, supaya tenaga mereka bisa difokuskan ke hal laen seperti pendeteksian bom dan sebangsanya. apalagi pemeriksaan barang2 ini lah sebenarnya yang menyebabkan security line di airport selalu sangat super duper panjang dan sangat super duper lambat prosesnya. ini adalah sangat tidak efisien ke semua pihak. (ini ngomong from first hand experience :cengir: )

personally, saya juga merasa ini bukan kebijakan yang bagus. kurasa tetep harus diperiksa, apalagi pisau, ya ga boleh donk. kalo mo bawa ginian, suruh masukin ke bagasi check in, jangan dibawa sebagai carry on. bahkan stick golf lah dll, juga harusnya check in aja.

ya, moga2 aja perlawanan beberapa anggota kongres bisa berhasil

12-03-2013, 10:28 PM
pisau lipat yg gak bisa di lock itu sangat tidak cocok untuk berkelahi loh... karena pisaunya bisa menutup dan melukai tangan sendiri.

tapi pisau semacam ini bisa sangat berguna di situasi darurat, misalnya beberapa tahun yg lalu ada sebuah pesawat nyemplung sungai di New York. Saat pesawat pelan2 mulai tenggelam di air es, penumpangnya sudah pindah ke perahu karet darurat yang terikat ke pesawat.
Tapi karena tak ada seorangpun yg punya pisau, perahu itupun mulai ikut tenggelam karena terikat ke badan pesawat.

Para penumpang jerit2 minta dioper pisau kepada tim penyelamat dan akhirnya bisa terbebas sebelum tenggelam ke air es... :))

12-03-2013, 10:31 PM
kalo bener perlu pisau ato gunting ato alat2 sejenis itu, harusnya disimpan dengan aman oleh kru pesawat, bukan dari penumpang.

12-03-2013, 10:49 PM
boleh bawa pisau, tapi tetap laptop harus terpisah,
terus tetap buka belt dan sepatu, begitu ya? -_-

12-03-2013, 11:01 PM
isnt it silly? :cengir:
tapi ga tau sih, kalo bole bawa pisau gini, apa masih perlu tetep buka ini itu

13-03-2013, 10:25 AM
Peraturan hang bodoh sich...itu bukannya lebih bahayanya...

13-03-2013, 12:21 PM
tenang...mbok dilihat nama pejabatnya TSA Administrator; JOHN PISTOLE.

I feel so much safer now, even flying on Jetblue. This knife thingy is just a fad.

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tenang...mbok dilihat nama pejabatnya TSA Administrator; JOHN PISTOLE.

I feel so much safer now, even flying on Jetblue. This knife thingy is just a fad.

13-03-2013, 12:34 PM

Dari namanya aja udah gak beres...