View Full Version : [Berita] Disney membeli Lucas Film Ltd

31-10-2012, 04:03 PM
Baru dapat kabar tadi pagi,
Disney membeli Lucas Film Ltd beserta:
- Star Wars;
- Lucas Arts;
- Indiana Jones;
- Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) - perusahaan efek khusus paling ternama dan berpengaruh, salah satu yang terawal;
- Skywalker Sound;

Sementara Disney sudah memiliki Marvel dan mengikat Pixar.
Selain itu, Disney juga memiliki saluran tv ESPN, Miramax, saluran tv ABC.

Star Wars episode 7 akan rilis tahun 2015.

31-10-2012, 04:49 PM
buset...star wars eps 7 mau bahas soal apalagi? ;D

31-10-2012, 07:01 PM
Paling protagonis utamanya ben skywalker anaknya luke & jade mara...

bradon heat
31-10-2012, 09:11 PM
ada kemungkinan di remake atau di lanjutin ?? :tanya:
selain SW7 tentunya ::ungg::

31-10-2012, 10:24 PM
Hammill, Fisher ama Ford bakalan nongol ga ya? ;D

potongan artikel jadul

"Are you going to do sequels?"

I said, "Gosh, sequels. I guess I could do sequels. I could do three of what happens later on." But that was really an afterthought--I don't have scripts, I don't have any story. The only notion on that one is wouldn't it be fun to get all the actors to come back when they're like sixty or seventy years old, and make three more that are about them as old people. And that's about as far as that one's gone so far. The first six will get finished and will be the film. Whether I go and do a sequel of this-- because I'll also be seventy [Laughs]--I'm not sure whether that's going to happen.


02-11-2012, 11:14 AM
lego star wars bakal tetep ada kan?

sekuel star wars pasca akuisisi disney versi charlie howtobeadad ::hihi::


Finding Yoda

This will be the tale of a 300-year-old boy named Yoda who is scooped up by the Empire from his home of Dagobah, amongst the plants, and how his father must brave the farthest reaches of space to find him. Yoda’s father teams up with Dory Dory Binks, a useless, idiotic character who barely says anything intelligible, but has an affable quality that most of the audience find annoying by the end of the film.


Droid Story

Follow Sheriff Wookiee and Buzz Lightsaber as they travel through space to make sure Andy Wan Kenobi still loves them. When they are forced to confront Darth Sid and a bunch of broken protocol droids who control a sector of the universe, Wookiee and Buzz realize they’ve got friends indeed… who can force choke a fool.


Pirates of the Empire: The Kessel Run

Disney already has sequels lined up to remakes of sequels for the Star Wars. Though this will be a sequel to the wildly popular original Pirates of the Empire, there will be a host of new enemies and special effects. PE:KR is a swashbuckling adventure that soars over the sandy dunes of Tatooine and will feature a spectacular performance by Johnny Depp as Lando Calrissian’s adopted son, Brando. Depp chose to sign-on so he could do his version of a Marlon Brando impression. Watch out for the musical numbers and ridiculous comic-relief characters, though.


Peter Padawan

Neverland never looked so much like Endor. And that’s because this film is going to be shot in the very same forests of Marin County to to look identical to the home of the Ewoks. Produced by the same crew who did the film Brave, the cast will be comprised entirely of native Scottish speakers, and marks Mel Gibson’s return as actor/director. Imagine Braveheart combined with Apocalypto with a dash of Spielberg’s Hook. Actually, nevermind. This one might be fake.


The Lightsaber in the Stone

Before we get a BAJILLION comments saying the plasma of a lightsaber could never be held or sustained within any known stone, just think of this: WHAT IF THE STONE WAS MADE OF ADMANTIUM? ::commence nerdgasm:: Forget that unobtanium junk from Avatar, this is legit. Can’t you see the plot now? Young boy learns from an older wizard-type about the ways of old magic. Ah, hell. That’s Star Wars: A New Hope, isn’t it?


101 Jawas

When we saw the Jawas in the first Star Wars movie, we knew two things: they’re pygmy, rodent-like creatures who make cute sounds, and Disney merch would have a FIELD DAY marketing these guys as toys to kids. Well, now you’ll be able to collect all 101 of them! This film already has director Ben Affleck attached, and Meryl Streep set to play Cruella De Vader. Did we mention the merchandising opportunities?


Beauty and the Wookiee

We all loved Chewie (Chewbacca), didn’t we? WHAT IF… he and Leia had a secret love that was left unfulfilled? Well, in this film, Chewie and Leia’s banter isn’t just platonic. Those scratches behind the ears aren’t simply friendly gestures. They are caresses, know what I’m saying? Shaq has already been cast ti play our favorite, flirtacious Wookiee.


Darth White & the Seven Sandpeople

We know Disney is famous for their depiction of the ‘tragic fate of parents’ narratives, so why not weave Anakin Skywalker’s storyline as a younger Darth Vader, an unassuming half-human, half-cyborg, with infinite power as master of the Dark Side, with a sweet and unassuming princess story? The early reports on this film show Vader returning to his roots to escape an evil priestess, where he stumbles upon seven sandpeople who take him in. He quickly realizes the crime he has committed was wrong, and the true power of friendship. There’s Snooty, Pilfer, Grainy, Boofer, Granpoo, Spilge & Smegtoe. In the end, Vader slaughters them all anyway. Go figure.
So, there you have it. The top secret word about Disney’s new Star Wars movies. Next up, we’ll be discussing Disney’s plans for the Indiana Jones franchise, and the upcoming announcement about the next sequel: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Pooh.

Urzu 7
02-11-2012, 01:31 PM
Daripada bikin starwars 7, mending bikin crossover marvel sama starwar, dimana master yoda satu team sama goblin dan hulk, lord sith dateng bawa seantero clone sith warrior dimana avenger assemble ketambahan 1 anggota baru yaitu chewbaca

03-11-2012, 07:34 PM
Wah karir Mark Bunttingg (maksud gw Mark Hammill) bisa naik lagi donk nih ;D ).

Daripada sequel mendingan prekuel. Kayak the hobbits & LoTR.
Misalnya ceritain ortu nya Ki Adi Mundi, kenapa Yoda ngomongnya dibalik-balik, Trus kiprah Palpatine Muda. Sama asal usul Chewbacca.

king lampas
06-11-2012, 01:39 PM
sebagai SW geek, ini adalah berita bagus bwt gw ::hohoho::

buset...star wars eps 7 mau bahas soal apalagi? ;D
kabarnya ceritanya berkisar seputar luke tua dan padawannya. tp itu blm bs di konfirmasi lho...msh gosip :P

Wah karir Mark Bunttingg (maksud gw Mark Hammill) bisa naik lagi donk nih ;D ).

Daripada sequel mendingan prekuel. Kayak the hobbits & LoTR.
Misalnya ceritain ortu nya Ki Adi Mundi, kenapa Yoda ngomongnya dibalik-balik, Trus kiprah Palpatine Muda. Sama asal usul Chewbacca.

itu kan ud diceritain di novel2 n komik SW yg expanded universe bro, jd kemungkinan gak dimasukin ke filmnya.

06-11-2012, 01:52 PM
kalo ini video asli dari disney


king lampas
06-11-2012, 02:36 PM

mudah2an setelah dipegang disney SW gak kehilangan ke"gory"an nya :luck:

08-11-2012, 10:04 PM
Eh game Android yg judulnya Temple Run juga dibeli Disney kayaknya, trus dia bikin game sejenis yg judulnya Temple Run: Brave.

08-11-2012, 10:36 PM

mudah2an setelah dipegang disney SW gak kehilangan ke"gory"an nya :luck:

eh. no worries. Sejak trilogy PoTC, Disney udah mudeng kalo mereka boleh dan bisa banget bikin duit dari yang gory2. :D

09-11-2012, 01:12 AM

king lampas
09-11-2012, 11:54 AM
eh. no worries. Sejak trilogy PoTC, Disney udah mudeng kalo mereka boleh dan bisa banget bikin duit dari yang gory2. :D

siip...gak sabar nunggu eps VII ::hohoho::

27-01-2013, 09:26 PM
Ada berita, katanya sudah resmi bakal JJ Abrams yang menyutradarai. Ada yang bisa konfirmasi?

27-01-2013, 10:12 PM
^ bener jadi JJ abrams


FILE - In this Jan. 8, 2013 file photo, J.J. Abrams arrives at the Winter TCA Fox All-Star Party at the Langham Huntington Hotel in Pasadena, Calif. According to multiple reports, Abrams is set to direct the next installment of “Star Wars,” which Disney has said will be “Episode 7” and due out in 2015. Disney bought “Star Wars” maker Lucasfilm last month for $4.06 billion. (Photo by Matt Sayles/Invision/AP, File)(Credit: Matt Sayles/invision/ap)

27-01-2013, 10:14 PM
Berarti akankah ada cross over resmi antara Star Trek dan Star Wars?
*trus ntar lama2 cross over dengan Babylon Five dan Battlestar Galactica.. hihihihihihi

27-01-2013, 10:22 PM
kemungkinan si gitu, secara JJ Abrams ahli dalam dunia star trek dan star wars

27-01-2013, 10:45 PM
Ahli Star Trek ? NO !

tapi ahli dalam membuat film Star Trek bisa dinikmati oleh almost everyone ? YES !

anyway, saya mendukung klo akhirnya om Lucas dengan sukacita mau melepaskan Star Wars, seperti Star Trek, SW juga butuh penyegaran, om Lucas harus berani gambling dengan melepas SW ke tangan lain, for better or.... for worse

saya malah tertarik sama Indy...... semoga Disney beneran mau mengapproach lagi Shia, IMHO udah pas jadi Henry Jones III, tinggal Shia nya mau apa nggak
kesian om Ford, udah tuwir

noodles maniac
27-01-2013, 11:46 PM
Walt Disney hebat ya ::up:: bisa beli macem-macem jagoan yang keren-keren, sama putri-putri yang cantik :malumalu:

28-01-2013, 12:10 AM
om Walt mah ga bisa ngerasain sukses nya Disney kaya sekarang....

adalah para korporat yang duduk di Disney yang bikin operasi gede2an kaya gini, incl "hostile" takeover Pixar, dan nego gila LucasArt kaya sekarang ini

30 tahun lalu, sapa yang bayangin klo SW bisa lepas dari tangan om Lucas

noodles maniac
28-01-2013, 12:26 AM
Iya sih Walt Disney udah wafat,tapi pertanyaan terbesar gw, apakah kalo seandainya Walt Disney masih idup nih, apa dia emang rela ngeliat Walt Disney Enterprise jadi kayak sekarang, korporat pengejar profit banget yah? seinget gw dulu Walt Disney niatnya cuma tulus pingin membuat anak-anak di dunia bahagia, iya kan? sekarang malah segmennya udah berubah dan gak cuma anak-anak :-/ please correct me if i'm wrong :menunduk:

king lampas
29-01-2013, 12:53 PM
JJ Abrams?
YES...gw suka sm film2 nya....BRING IT ON!!! Mr Abrams ::hohoho::

eh JJ bukan singkatan Jar-Jar kan? ::hihi::