View Full Version : Pengobatan Hisap Darah?

28-04-2011, 11:09 AM
Ada yg tau kegunannya?

katanya pengobtan dgn penghisapan darah pake alat khusus u/ membuang darah kotor

28-04-2011, 11:32 AM
Syerem amat istilahnya..
bekam kali yaak?

28-04-2011, 11:36 AM
Iya istilahnya BEKAM

aku udah bilang, lebih baik donor darah

atw minum jus buah setiap hari, lalu olahraga

iya kan?

btw BEKAM itu caranya di apain sih? pake gelas + lilin ya?

ah..*ga berani browsing, takut liat gbr2 horor

E = mc˛
28-04-2011, 11:37 AM
ada yg pake lintah juga kan?

iyah, saya juga bingung ini mekanismenya gmn. knp isap darah gituh bisa yakin (sesuai klaim) kalau yg keluar adalah darah kotor? (lagian darah kotor kan alami. di pelajaran biologi, darah kotor itu setengah bagian darah, yaitu darah yg miskin oksigen/kaya karbondioksida) :P

28-04-2011, 11:40 AM
kenapa ga sekalian terapi hisap otak

untuk mengeluarkan pikiran pikiran kotor


28-04-2011, 11:41 AM
Bekam ada macam2 cara deh kayaknya,
barusan gugling
mau copas ke sini dah syereemmmmmmm duluan liat gambarnya :|

amitamit jabanggg bayiii
dikerokin aja gw kagak pernah.. apalagi dibekam..
bweehhh kaga kebayang deh. :))

nih kalau mau liat tadi link yang gw liat yang ini

28-04-2011, 11:44 AM
ah pak kompor

jgn menjebak...kekekekke..itu link ada gambarnya atw cuman tulisan2?

ngeyi ah

atut buka na

28-04-2011, 11:55 AM
:)) itu penjelasan berbagai teknik bekam
dan gambarnya kok neng ::elaugh::

cuman backgroundnya tuh menunjang banget ::elaugh::
coklat merah darah

*koh AsLan, maap OOT nih ::elaugh::

28-04-2011, 12:14 PM
Jangan aneh2 deh, pengobatan yg gak ada dasar ilmiahnya begitu...
Darah kotor kan ada mekanisme pembersihannya, yaitu di ginjal, liver, paru2 dll...
bukannya dibuang...

*yang berani2 oot nanti saya ban 30 tahun :))

28-04-2011, 12:20 PM
terus kalau di kerokin itu apa emang bisa buat masuk angin? kan punggung nya juga merah merah tuh kyk abis di BEKAM

28-04-2011, 12:37 PM
Kerokan juga sudah diselidiki secara medis, hasilnya tidak menyembuhkan.
Hanya membuat perasaan hangat dan lebih enak bagi orang2 yg terbiasa di kerok (karena melukai kulit).

Kerokan merusak kulit dan memecahkan pembuluh darah halus dibawah kulit, sangat tidak dianjurkan secara medis.

Tapi kalau hanya sedikit, misalnya cupang, boleh2 saja untuk variasi bercinta :D

28-04-2011, 12:41 PM
berarti selain cupang, cambuk dan spank jg bisa mbuat perasaan lebih hangat ya, walaupun secara medis bsia melukai kulit :bengkak:

hehehhe..ya ya skrg eke mengerti mbak ....

selama umur gw ini, gw baru tau fakta ttg BEKAM n kerokan..sadis:))

28-04-2011, 01:09 PM
Iya istilahnya BEKAM

aku udah bilang, lebih baik donor darah

atw minum jus buah setiap hari, lalu olahraga

iya kan?

btw BEKAM itu caranya di apain sih? pake gelas + lilin ya?

ah..*ga berani browsing, takut liat gbr2 horor
Donor darah itu diambil lewat pembuluh darah utama, sedangkan bekam dari pembuluh
darah ujung (kapiler). "Logika"nya darah itu harus melewati sirkulasi pembersihan via
Jantung dan Ginjal, nah, darah yang di keluarkan saat bekam adalah darah yang tidak
keangkut, alias ngendon di pembuluh darah ujung, sehingga lama-lama jadi kotor, '
karena itu perlu dibuang lewat metode bekam.

28-04-2011, 01:23 PM
ntar kalo udah ikutan aku ceritain deh *ga penting*

suamiku udah pernah ikut, yang sampe item2 gitu berarti banyak darah kotornya, kalo yang sehat ga bakalan item2
kalo kata yang udah ikut, ga sakit dibekam.

kalo soal kerokan, kata suamiku malah udah diteliti kerokan itu bagus, untuk yan sakit dia membuat pori2 mudah mengeluarkan panas (kalo ga salah)

28-04-2011, 01:23 PM
note: aku seumur2 juga blm pernah dibekam, dikerok apalagi diisep lintah, kalo diisep pacet udah *ga penting*

E = mc˛
28-04-2011, 02:05 PM
Donor darah itu diambil lewat pembuluh darah utama, sedangkan bekam dari pembuluh
darah ujung (kapiler). "Logika"nya darah itu harus melewati sirkulasi pembersihan via
Jantung dan Ginjal, nah, darah yang di keluarkan saat bekam adalah darah yang tidak
keangkut, alias ngendon di pembuluh darah ujung, sehingga lama-lama jadi kotor, '
karena itu perlu dibuang lewat metode bekam.
karena pembuluh kapiler tersebar di seluruh permukaan tubuh, apa efektif mengeluarkan darah lewat bekam? (yg biasanya cuma bagian punggung ajah)

28-04-2011, 02:16 PM

apa darah kotor ini sama dgn darah haid? kan kotor juga

bearti wanita ga perlu di bekam lagi donk


28-04-2011, 02:22 PM
aku sudah 2 kali menjalani bekam....dan rasanya enak....rasa pusing dan pegal2 langsung hilang ...... darah item/kotor yg keluar lumayan banyak seh, karena ada beberapa titik yg dibekam.........

28-04-2011, 04:02 PM
karena pembuluh kapiler tersebar di seluruh permukaan tubuh, apa efektif mengeluarkan darah lewat bekam? (yg biasanya cuma bagian punggung ajah)
praktisi bekam pasti punya ilmu, kenapa daerah punggung yang menjadi
sasaran utama dalam tindakan bekam.

28-04-2011, 04:03 PM

apa darah kotor ini sama dgn darah haid? kan kotor juga

bearti wanita ga perlu di bekam lagi donk

Darah menstruasi adalah bakal pelindung calon bayi yang luruh karena
calon bayi ngga kunjung jadi. Tentu berbeda dengan darah bekam yang
merupakan darah yang tertinggal dalam sirkulasi pembersihan darah.

29-04-2011, 02:47 PM
praktisi bekam pasti punya ilmu, kenapa daerah punggung yang menjadi
sasaran utama dalam tindakan bekam.

sebetulnya bukan hanya punggung saja yang jadi sasaran tergantung dari sakitnya .... malah jika sering pusing diatas kepalapun juga bisa dibekam....kemudian di daerah otak ...... sekujur kaki juga dibisa dibekam .... karena istriku sendiri waktu kakinya sering kesemutan juga dibekam dikaki .............

01-06-2011, 06:09 AM
izin gabung yaa, nubi nii :D

setahu saya ya, berkam itu metode jadul... skrg dah ga gtu di "lirik"
bahaya buat org yg hemofilia (darah sukar membeku) bisa mati kehabisan darah..

hmm... dan juga ga ada istilah darah kotor.. yg ada darah kaya O2 atau darah kaya CO2..
sekarang balik lagi ke pertanyaan TS, mksdnya mau buang darah kotor itu apa ya? emg TS nya knp?

E = mc˛
01-06-2011, 06:39 AM
sebetulnya bukan hanya punggung saja yang jadi sasaran tergantung dari sakitnya .... malah jika sering pusing diatas kepalapun juga bisa dibekam....kemudian di daerah otak ......

didaerah otak maksudnya dimana Om? otak kan terlindung tengkorak. kalo bekam di kepala, darah yg kesedot yah darah berasal dr luar tengkorak.... cmiiw

01-06-2011, 06:44 AM
yg pernah gw liat di TV sih.. ada beberapa macam cara...

1. pakai tawon
2. pakai lintah...
3. bekam
4. ................

E = mc˛
01-06-2011, 07:02 AM
we.... tawon gak ngisep darah kale... atau biar membengkak lalu dikeluarin darahnya? "sadis" ya?

01-06-2011, 10:33 AM
sorry materi bahasa inggris, tentang bekam
Ancient Chinese technique of cupping offers pain relief without drugs or surgery

More and more people in the Western world are turning to ancient techniques of Chinese medicine after conventional medical treatments fail them. However, several of these alternative treatments are still unfamiliar to Westerners. While practices like acupuncture and acupressure have become familiar to most Americans, one less-talked-about Chinese medicine therapy that can benefit people suffering from chronic pain is called "cupping."

Cupping is a technique in which glass cups are heated from the inside with fire to create a vacuum and then placed on the afflicted area of the body. The cup's suction pulls at the skin and is said to "suck out" the body's toxins. Sound uncomfortable? If done correctly, the practice can actually relieve much of the body's discomfort caused by the congestion of blood, energy or mucus, as well as swelling or pain, according to "The Herbs Of Life" author Lesley Tierra.

Cupping is said to help improve circulation and "to 'open' the lungs, draw toxins out of them and towards the skin surface and to facilitate better breathing," writes "Heart Disease" author Burton Goldberg. More in line with ancient Chinese philosophy, cupping "is believed to draw out Cold, Wind, and Damp," writes Michael Castleman in "Blended Medicine." Cupping can be effective for a wide range of ailments, according to Tierra, including "edema, swellings, asthma, bronchitis, dull aches and pains, arthritis, abdominal pain, stomachache, indigestion, headache, low back pain, painful menstruation, coughs from excessive mucus and places where bodily movement is limited and painful."

The heated cups used in the technique are placed on the skin above the pained muscle area or above an acupuncture point at the afflicted area. "The vacuum created by the heat is said to dispel dampness from the body, warm the qi and reduce swelling," writes Barrie R. Cassileth, PhD., in "The Alternative Medicine Handbook." The cups are left in place for five to 15 minutes, and when removed, they usually leave a round red bruise behind. According to Tierra, bruising occurs in spots where congestion existed. Although bruises can take several days to go away, the temporary marks are a small price to pay for the relief the therapy provides. Tierra says people suffering from either pain or congestion often notice an immediate difference after treatment.

"I've found cupping to be a completely safe, yet highly effective treatment for reducing pain, treating sprains and enhancing localized circulation," reports Mike Adams, a consumer health advocate and proponent of Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies. Adams recommends a simple vacuum-pump cupping device rather than resorting to the more traditional fire-heated cups. "A surprisingly large number of people suffer from dark, stagnating blood I call 'sludge blood.' Cupping helps pull that blood out of the area, making room for fresh, oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood to replenish the tissues and accelerate the healing process," he says.

However, cupping is not right for every person or every area of the body. Tierra advises for cupping not to be done on the abdomen or lower back of pregnant women, on allergic skin conditions or ulcerated sores, or during high fever, convulsions or cramps. In addition, cupping is not effective on areas of the body where there is a lot of body hair or irregular angles. According to Burton Goldberg in Alternative Medicine, cupping works best when used together with acupuncture and Chinese herbs.

When choosing medical therapies or treatments that are right for you, it is important to consider all your options. If mainstream medicine isn't giving you what you need, safe, whole-body health alternatives that have been around for hundreds of years, like cupping and acupuncture, could be worth a try. As with all alternative therapies, it is advised to seek out a practitioner who is qualified to perform the technique.

The Experts speak on cupping:

TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE: Cupping is an ancient Chinese therapy that helps to regulate the flow of energy and blood. Suction is usually created over the painful area on the body by introducing fire into a cup and placing the cup on the desired point. The amount of suction can be regulated according to the treatment and the age of the patient. Cupping is even more effective when used in conjunction with acupuncture and Chinese herbs.
Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 433

Cupping is the treatment of disease by suction of the skin surface. A vacuum is created in small jars which are then attached to the body surface. The vacuum causes a drawing up of the underlying tissues into the cups, pulling inner congestion in the body up and out. When effective in its job, the skin will appear reddened and bruised after the cup is removed. This marking can take several days to disappear, but it will go away. The person should notice an immediate difference in condition, be it congestion or pain.
The Herbs Of Life by Lesley Tierra, page 232

Chinese medicine uses a practice called cupping in which vacuum glass cups are applied to the skin's surface, in this case, on the back, to "open" the lungs, draw toxins out of them and towards the skin surface, and to facilitate better breathing.
Heart Disease by Burton Goldberg, page 187

Cupping is done over areas where there is swelling, pain or congestion, either of energy, blood or mucus. Thus, it is good for edema, swellings, asthma, bronchitis, dull aches and pains, arthritis, abdominal pain, stomachache, indigestion, headache, low back pain, painful menstruation, coughs from excessive mucus, and places where bodily movement is limited and painful.
The Herbs Of Life by Lesley Tierra, page 232

There are two other procedures that an oriental medicine doctor may use in conjunction with acupuncture to draw out external forces such as Cold, Wind, and Damp. They're called bleeding and cupping. "Chinese bleeding is much different from the bloodletting that Western medicine practiced centuries ago," Dr. Korngold says. "The Chinese use tiny pinpricks, so actual blood loss is negligible."
Blended Medicine by Michael Castleman, page 10

Rather than using burning leaves, cupping creates suction above the part of the body that requires treatment. Suction is created by warming the air inside a glass jar and turning the jar over on the patient's body. The vacuum created by the heat is said to dispel dampness from the body, warm the qi, and reduce swelling. Cupping is recommended particularly for cases of bronchial congestion and chronic ailments such as arthritis and bronchitis.
The Alternative Medicine Handbook By Barrie R Cassileth PHD, page 30

Cautions: cupping should not be done during high fever, convulsions or cramps, or over allergic skin conditions, ulcerated sores, or on the abdomen or lower back of pregnant women. It will also be ineffective over areas with irregular body angles, where the muscles are thin, the skin is not level or where there is a lot of body hair.
The Herbs Of Life by Lesley Tierra, page 232

Another traditional treatment, especially for large muscle pain, is cupping, which utilizes a glass or bamboo cup to create suction on the skin above a painful muscle or acupuncture point. In place of needles, the acupuncturist may substitute electrostimulation, ultrasound waves, laser beams, or heat to acupuncture points. In China, experiments have included the use of synthetic needles, sonar rays, and injections of water or steroids into acupuncture points.
Alternative Medicine by Burton Goldberg, page 70

Cups should be retained in place from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the strength of suction. Especially in hot weather, or when cupping over shallow flesh, the duration of treatment should not be too long. Often I have seen the cups pop off for no apparent reason. If the suction was good in the first place, then generally this is an indication that suction is not needed in that place, or there was too much body hair for the cup to hold. It is also possible for the cup to remain in place and still be unnecessary, and, if so, no redness or bruising will occur. Bruises occurring under the cups indicate where the congestion has been. I have also seen blisters appear which should be dressed and treated to prevent infection.
The Herbs Of Life by Lesley Tierra, page 232

The practitioner places the jar mouth-down over the affected area. The fire reduces the air pressure in the jar, so when the jar is placed against your skin, your skin gets sucked up inside. This is believed to draw out Cold, Wind, and Damp. If performed by a qualified oriental medicine doctor, both bleeding and cupping are considered safe and useful.
Blended Medicine by Michael Castleman, page 10

Cupping is another ancient Chinese and Indian remedy in which heated cups are placed on the skin, sometimes after small punctures are made at the intended location. This process produces a suction force that is thought to boost circulation and improve health.
The Alternative Medicine Handbook By Barrie R Cassileth PHD, page 17

In general, however, Chinese herbalism and Chinese food cures are almost always practiced together. Likewise, it is also customary for an acupuncturist to practice manipulative therapy as well, but today in China one can also see manipulative therapy set up as a separate department in hospitals the same way as acupuncture. Broadly speaking, traditional Chinese medicine can be divided into internal medicine, which includes herbalism and food cures, and external medicine, which includes acupuncture and manipulative therapy as well as other external treatment techniques such as moxibustion, acupressure, ironing, and cupping.
Chinese Herbal Cures By Henry C Lu, page 10

01-06-2011, 10:53 AM
we.... tawon gak ngisep darah kale... atau biar membengkak lalu dikeluarin darahnya? "sadis" ya?


tepatnya sengat lebah
mau detail silahken.. klik disini (http://loverlem.blogspot.com/2010/11/penyembuhan-dengan-terapi-sengat-lebah.html)

29-10-2013, 12:53 PM
weleh..ada tret ini.bapak kemaren pusing g sembuh2. diajaklah ke ahli bekam.g berapa lama,darah itemnya keluar. di bagian kepala sebelah kiri paling banyak darahnya.
udah enakan
kt temen,bekam bikin nagih.

29-10-2013, 02:49 PM
waktu belajar biologi dijelasin...
darah yg mengalir dari tubuh ke paru2 warnanya hitam.
darah yg mengalir dari paru2 ke seluruh tubuh warnanya merah terang.

warna merah itu artinya hemoglobin memgikat oksigen, warna gelap artinya hemoglobin mengikat co2

paru2 mengambil co2 dari darah lalu membuangnya ke udara, lalu mengambil o2 dari udara dan mendistribusikan ke darah.

29-10-2013, 03:43 PM
jadi om,darah item yg keluar itu penjelasan medisnya gimana?bagus ato nggak. soalnya pernah baca di blog rame-rame,si blogger lagi di jerman,tiba2 masuk angin. di kerok ama istrinya. g mempan. bawa ke ugd. eh di ugd susternya marah.katanya si istri yg ngerok udah melakukan tindak penganiayaan.setelah dijelasin panjang lebar, walo g nerima,akhirnya susternya mo ngerawat si pasien.
nah,emang kerokan,bekam,ini dari medis bahaya ya?

29-10-2013, 04:21 PM
darah hitam ya diatas kan sudah saya jelasin, itu darah yg sedang mengalir menuju ke paru2.

kalo belum sempat masuk paru2 trus keburu dikeluarin ya warnanya hitam.